Monday, August 9, 2010

Although cases of pneumonic plague, septicemic and bubonic come and have attracted increasing attention nationally and internationally, the authorities of the Ministry of Health (MoH) seem to take much interest to rule out or confirm suspected cases presented in our region. (Photo: Diffusion)
The Regional Technical Committee Chairman Operational Pest Control, Pedro Diaz Camacho, criticized the delay of the authorities of the National Health Institute (INS) to resolve the 16 analysis sent to the city of Lima a week ago.
"Laboratories much delayed. I have 16 suspected cases and can not be confirmed because the results of the tests take to be shipped from Lima. We sent the analysis, on Tuesday last week and to date we do not have results, "he said.
In this regard, and in order to prevent the spread of this epidemic, called on the authorities of the Ministry of Health (MoH) have a preferential attention to the cases sent from Trujillo.
"With the epidemic that we live in Trujillo, Lima would have to give us another kind of attention, so we will continue as more probable cases and not take proper control of the epidemic," he said.
Also, Camacho Díaz, required decentralizing authorities Minsa laboratories discard the plague. "This could be confirmed or excluded cases immediately and not wait a week to learn and take action."
Finally, he said that in about 60 days, Trujillo may have a laboratory discard the plague, the same as would be installed at the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (UNT).
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