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Thus an article written Edward Hammod, U.S. policy researchers, 12 August at Immunocompetent site. He was not willing to accept papers Richard Holbrooke and Laurie Garrett titled "'Sovereignty' That Risks Global Health" at U.S. daily, the Washington Post, August 10, 2008 edition.
Holbrooke is now the President of the Global Business Coalition on HIV / AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. Previously he was U.S. ambassador to the UN. Garrett is a Pulitzer-winning journalist and senior researcher at the Council on Foreign Relations, U.S..
Holbrooke and Garrett Hammond criticized because of articles criticizing the harsh attitude of sturdy former Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari. Former Minister of Health refused to surrender the bird flu virus samples, which targeted a number of global pharmaceutical corporation, by reason of it is the right of the sovereign state of Indonesia which is protected in accordance with international law.
Holbrooke and Garrett attacking attitude Siti citing "sovereignty" to give a global health risk. The reason, the bird flu virus in Indonesia that could be transmitted lintar national borders, spreading the disease globally. The sample finally submitted to the World Health Organization (WHO) by RI.
In essence, Hammond would like to remind the virus through his article that the ownership of any immunity based on state sovereignty. "Clearly, the two authors was mistaken because it ignores just like that, especially, 20 years of time discussing the Convention on Biological Diversity, which along with the various international instruments recognize the sovereignty of a country over genetic resources, including microbes. Viruses, was no exception, is the ownership of genetic resources oeh strengthened the country's sovereignty, whether Holbrooke and Garrett want to admit it or not. "
Hammond reminded, in a discussion about the convention of biological diversity that he was present, and Holbrooke was never involved in discussions. Holbrooke and Garrett was also writes that the WHO has asked the global pharmaceutical companies not to exploit it for commercial purposes genetics.
Why the bird flu virus this issue became prominent in certain circles observer genetic resources? "Virus-virus, for vaccine-producing company, is an important resource," said Managing Director Biofarma Iskandar, who recently hosted an international conference about the vaccine.
Hammond admits, though there are issues of sovereignty, transfer of viruses can be carried out sampling scheme based on the material transfer agreement (MTA). Based on the MTA, submission of samples of viruses just for the sake of research, not development to commercialization.
Writing WHO website, a new vaccine for the H5N1 strain combinations have been developed by the WHO Collaborating Center for the Surveillance, Epidemiology and Control of Influenza at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (WHO CC), Atlanta, USA, with ingredients from A/Egypt/2321 -NAMRU3/2007.
Obtained patents
Namru is an abbreviation of the U.S. Naval Research Unit Medica, who is also doing business in Indonesia. WHO expressed gratitude to the Egyptian Health Ministry who are willing to hand over virus samples. The New England Journal of Medicine published Baxter International Inc., which is listed on stock exchanges in New York, USA, produces the vaccine candidate from the body neutralize the H5N1 virus, related to bird flu.
Hammond wrote in his article, which rejected the Washington Post, that the evidence appears contradictory. Although the WHO confirms the results do not happen commercialization virus research, in fact, some companies have patents registered in the U.S. and international patent agencies on hundreds of genetic sequence of H5N1, which has been freely submitted by Indonesia and other countries.
One vaccine by using strains in Vietnam has obtained a patent license. "These companies intend to make a profit from the sale of vaccines and Indonesia and other countries do not receive anything," says Hammond.
There are five large corporate pharmaceutical world, the Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, GSK, Novartis and Sanofi-Aventis, in addition to Wyatt. Not mentioned whether this company is profitable also included.
In addition to the delivery problem pergelutan virus samples, pharmaceutical corporations, and global non-pharmaceutical presence also realize the great benefits of the forests in developing countries, including Amazon.
Raintree Nutrition, a U.S. company on its Web site detailing about the positive benefits of forest products for pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical industry.
Corporate responsibility
Observers of the wealth of biological experts like Jim Chamberlain, Robert Bush and AL Hammett in his article entitled "Non-Timber Forest Products" poured benefits of forest products and U.S. corporate profits earned from the exploitation of biological richness of tropical forests.
All this reminds us of the Economics Nobel Prize-winning article in 2001, Joseph E Stiglitz, titled "Scrooge and intellectual property rights" in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), December 23, 2006.
He wrote that the Uruguay round in 1995 moved to establish a World Trade Organisation (WTO), which applies to U.S. style intellectual property rights throughout the country. This aims to reduce access to generic drugs and succeeded. As a result, billions of people could not afford medicines they need because they have to pay patent .... This is also supported by WHO.
Sad increasingly more by reading an article dated June 1, 2006 "Neoliberalism and the Environmental in Latin America", which essentially impose liberalization in Latin America, where free enterprise penetrated the forests of Latin America which then displaces the Amazon forests. Diana M Liverman and Silvina Vilas from Oxfor University, England, on December 31, 2008 presents the worst examples of liberalization for the biological richness of Latin America.
This makes the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, has sued the global corporate responsibility through the analysis in the paper entitled "The Struggle for Corporate Accountability." Assessed global corporations only think about profit without the payoff for developing countries.
The problem is no longer whether we should believe it or not, about the hidden hands of corporate globalization in which berbalutkan mendompleng market mechanism and globalization. The problem now is how we must protect our biological riches from the advancing globalization of the pendompleng found not only after the mineral wealth, but also to the virus and mikroba.Menurut Hammond, closely monitor China's manipulation cases like that now strengthen self-defense.

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