Friday, December 30, 2011

New China case may be from a migratory bird.. #h5n1 #birdflu

...The suspected migratory

Yesterday, Guangdong Province, He Jianfeng, director of Communicable Disease Prevention, said after the WHO's research, people infected with avian influenza viruses from birds. People infected with avian flu is rare, and it is distributed. The public need not panic. "The current study shows that people are not so susceptible to this virus, now consider the hypothesis of a relationship of some human genes."

The man with the bird flu is an outbreak of avian flu in Hong Kong has to do with it? Jianfeng said that at present can not confirm whether the relationship between the two. However, note that there are two migratory routes in Guangdong. 一。 One is the East coast, including Shenzhen, Shantou, Shanwei. The other one is from Jiangxi to Nanxiong to Guangzhou, Guangdong, the central movement of this line. Hong Kong and Shenzhen in Guangdong, the central migratory online.

New Year's Day is around the peak of wild bird migration. "We are investigating the man found him five days before the onset of the rest, because the sprained foot, and not to drive. But there is a characteristic that he lived more in the environment of migratory birds, exercise every morning to the field, that also many places of migratory birds. "Jianfeng said he was now highly suspicious of migratory birds infected with the virus may be a relationship. 0

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