Sunday, January 15, 2012

The death of a woman and wounded her brother with symptoms of bird flu in the Fayoum #H5N1 #BIRDFLU

The death of a woman and wounded her brother with symptoms of bird flu in the Fayoum
16/01/2012 12:11:25 r Naguib ‮:‬
Conditions ‮ ‬ strange appeared in the Fayoum and led to the death of a housewife and transmitted to ‮ ‬ her brother and one of her relatives and showed early signs of bird flu, and being treatment at the General Hospital and was quoted last week a woman named Dalia ‮ »52 ‬ years ‮ «‬ Fayoum hospital to hospital, transferred from the chest to her severe bout of popularity, but it died in the hospital ‮ .. week later showed the same symptoms to her brother Ali ‮ »03 ‬ years ‮« ‬ a neighborhood of Dar ash city of Fayoum and the Chest Hospital also convert it to a hospital Fayoum also complain of the same symptoms are close to being treated in his home ‮ .. ‬ parents demanded swift action from the veterinary services of the different analysis to determine the cause of death ‮. ​​‬

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