Thursday, May 17, 2012

SINGAPORE FLU Attack Citizens Wonogiri, DKK Ask The Community Alert

Wonogiri- -Chief of the District Health Office (DKK) Wonogiri, dr H Wonogiri Widodo asked the public aware of the flu outbreak in Singapore. Admittedly, the current flu has been attacking several citizens of Kota Gaplek.. If left untreated and can result in patient death.
Head of DKK Wonogiri statement delivered when found sidelines of the opening of the exhibition title Wonogiri potential flagship product. "Singapore Flu is caused by viruses, similar to other flu illnesses. In Wonogiri there had been affected but we are still investigating. Whether the virus was imported from outside Wonogiri or virus that had been developed in Wonogiri, "he said Wednesday (16/05/2012).

The characteristics
Furthermore, he said residents should be wary of someone who Wonogiri exposed to 4 L, which is sluggish, weak, tired and weary. "The characteristics of the patient, hot, tired and out of red spots that lead to sunburn. Skin feels hot and itchy. "

According to him, the disease can be anticipated in a way to maintain your diet. "The consumption of nutritious foods, get enough rest so that patients heal faster. The essence of healing is to increase endurance. '
Admittedly, Singapore flu has struck one of the residents in the Village Wonokarto. "The patient fell ill after traveling from London to Singapore flu virus the possibility to import. The early symptoms of flu patients in Singapore is similar to the symptoms of measles and dengue because spots appear, only the difference spots of bird flu leads to a burning black. There are two ways, namely symptomatis or recognize the symptoms and supportf or enhance the immune system of data, "he explained.

The above quote, broken down with individual word translation:
Gejala awal dari pasien flu Singapura hampir sama dengan gejala campak dan DBD karena muncul bintik-bintik, cuma [but, only] bedanya [distinction, difference] bintik-bintik [spots] flu burung [avian influenza] menjurus [go in the direction of/to go straight on] ke [to] warna [color] hitam [black] seperti [such as] terbakar [burned].

Widodo confirmed, the disease quickly spread. "Therefore, do not direct contact with patients. Transmission can be through a sprinkling of phlegm. "


Anonymous said...

the symptoms described sound nothing like bird flu

Commonground said...

Correct. We also look for anything that has a potential for a pandemic. This sounds like a new virus.


Admittedly, the current flu has been attacking several citizens of Kota Gaplek.. If left untreated and can result in patient death.

In Wonogiri there had been affected but we are still investigating. Whether the virus was imported from outside Wonogiri or virus that had been developed in Wonogiri,