Thursday, November 13, 2008

One Family Suspect Bird Flu

Hattip Dutchy
Sulawesi; 6 patients from 1 family are treated in hospital; the number of 17 suspects could refer to neighbours or other contacts who were checked.

Looking at the 2nd part of the video of MetroTV (see post # 146) the patients seem to do OK.

On Thursday, 13-11-2008

One Family Suspect Bird Flu

Dozens of chickens died in Patte`ne Positive was attacked by the Virus H5N1

MAKASSAR, BKM -- one family that consisted of six people, on Wednesday (12/11) underwent the special maintenance and were isolated in the RSUP Wahidin Sudirohusodo ferns building.

They that his whole from the Tangki Jangang Village, RW 2 RT 5 Patte'ne, Kelurahan Sudiang, Kecamatan Biringkanaya this was expected (suspect) bird flu.

From six people who were treated
, five among them were children. Respectively Nurul Andia (3 years 6 months), Salman (6 years 10 months), Nurfadillah (4 months), Saleha (11 years) and Irwan (5 years).

One other person, Yohani currently is 50 years old.

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