Sunday, December 7, 2008

African had illness transmitted for carrapato

The director of the Department of Monitoring Epidemiologist of the Eduardo, Health department Hage, affirmed, in press conference in Rio De Janeiro, that the South African Willian Charles Erasmus, 53 years, died victim of maculosa fever, an illness transmitted for carrapatos. With this diagnosis, the previous hypotheses of the doctors had been discarded all, as arenavírus. ” It understands the fever maculosa ” Body of South African is cremado ” African it had symptoms in 2º day The maculosa fever is not transmitted of person for person and the ministry goes to suspend the monitoramento with the people who had had contact with the sick person. " It does not have no risk of transmission of a person for another one e, therefore, it does not have risk of dissemination for população" , it emphasized Hage. This illness is caused by the Rickettsia bacterium rickettsii, that the carrapato eventually loads in its glands salivares. Hage also indicated that, for the date of fond of the engineer of Brazil, in last day 23 of November, and the period where it registered the first symptoms, in day 25, " it is characterized that the infection initiated in its country of origem" , in the South Africa.
The vice-president of the Fiocruz, Ary Miranda, agreed to this thesis, in function of the incubation period. " It contracted in the South Africa because an incubation period exists, that is the period enters the person to enter in contact with the bacterium and to reveal the symptoms. It arrived here in day 23 and less than two days later he was making symptoms. The incubation period is, on average, of seven days. Then, it did not give time of it to have acquired the bacterium and to have done the symptoms in Brazil here.
With certainty, it came of the South Africa already carrying bactéria" , it explained. The seqüenciamento of the genome of the bacterium, that will confirm that its origin is exactly South African, must be concluded this week, informed the head of the Laboratory of Hantavirose and Rickettioses of the Fiocruz, the Elba Reads. The examinations that had proven the maculosa fever had been carried through from the last day 1º, still during the internment of the patient in the Clinic Are Jose, by means of the collection of samples of blood, and also after its death, with samples of vísceras.
The symptoms of an infection for maculosa fever if confuse with initial symptoms of some illnesses, as the affection, for example. They are high fever, pains in the body, migraine, vomits and spots in the body. In the incubation period, it is not had, as for the majority of the infectious illnesses, the detention through the sorológicos tests or same of molecular biology. This characteristic, in accordance with doctor infectologista of Fiocruz the Elba We read, it increases the importance of that is made an including clinical diagnosis and the retrospect of the routine of the patient, who admits all the possible febris illnesses and searchs information next to the proper patient, in order to initiate the treatment with antibiotics in time to guarantee the life of it.
In the case of the South African entrepreneur, this treatment was initiated when its picture presented greater gravity and the bacterium already if had infiltrated in the sanguineous vases, come to provoke its death. Preliminary audits made by the Oswaldo Foundation Cross (Fiocruz) had discarded death for hepatites capsize, hantavirose, affection, malaria and ebola. The maculosa fever is not a specific illness of Americas or of Brazil, it occurs in the whole world. Of 1997 2008, 641 cases in Brazil, mainly in the States of Santa Catarina, São Paulo had been the 2008 notified, Minas Gerais and Rio De Janeiro. In Santa Catarina it does not only have register of deaths for this illness. The lethality tax is, on average, of 30%.

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