Saturday, December 20, 2008

Direct loss ultra 5,000,000 avian flu hit eastern Taiwan egg industry

2008-12-19 8:57:18 2008-12-19 8:57:18

Yesterday, Su, along supermarkets in Shanghai and east from Taiwan, Hai Chegui their eggs. 并且从昨日下午开始江苏的东台作出规定,凡是现在从东台向外运输相关禽类的车辆都将扣留检查。 From yesterday afternoon and Jiangsu to provide for Taiwan's east, from the East who is now Taiwan's outward transport of poultry-related vehicles will be detained for examination.

东台市林牧业局副局长金山坦言:“估计这次禽流感的直接经济损失超过了500万。” Dongtai Lin Jinshan, deputy director of animal husbandry bureau said frankly: "The bird flu is estimated that the direct economic losses of more than 5,000,000."

整个产业链遭受打击 The whole industry chain hit

从昨日下午开始,为防止带有禽流感的家禽流出,东台市政府规定对于向外运输的都将予以扣留检查。 From the beginning of yesterday afternoon, in order to prevent an avian flu out of poultry, Dongtai required by the Government for transport out of the examination will be detained.

据金山介绍东台市禽业的产业链是从苗鸡开始的。 According to the poultry industry Dongtai Jinshan introduced the industry chain from the beginning of the Miao Ji. 农户首先从附近或是山东、河北、北京等地购进苗鸡,再进行圈养。 First of all, or farmers from the nearby Shandong, Hebei, Beijing and other places to buy Miao Ji, another captive. 在养殖的过程中农户购买饲料商的预混料,成规模的农户在预混料的基础上添加些自己的配方,在蛋鸡成熟之后进行鸡蛋销售。 In the process of farming households to buy feed premix business, as the scale of the farmers in the premix on the basis of their own formula to add more, in the mature laying hens after the sale of eggs. 蛋鸡的周期一般是500天,在这之后母鸡就将被卖到沪宁一带或当地屠宰,这样循环下去。 Layers of the general cycle of 500 days after the hen will be sold along the Shanghai-Nanjing, or the local slaughter, so the cycle continues.

三聚氰胺曾给东台禽蛋养殖业中鸡蛋这个环节造成了影响,而禽流感带给东台的打击是整个产业链。 Melamine given East Taiwan breeding eggs in the egg industry had an impact on this link, and the avian flu to Taiwan's east against the whole industrial chain.

这次当地的种鸡场、饲料商、蛋鸡养殖户、生鸡屠宰场等相关产业都将受到不同程度的打击。 This kind of local chicken farms, feed, layer farmers, slaughterhouse live chickens, and other related industries will be varying degrees of combat. “据估计直接的经济损失将超过500万元。” "It is estimated that direct economic losses to more than 5,000,000 yuan."

农户在这次禽流感中损失最为严重。 The farmers in bird flu in the most serious losses. 金山表示,江苏政府和农户之间达成了协议,按照扑杀一只鸡赔偿10元钱,两个蛋等于一只鸡的方案,对受损失的农户进行赔偿。 Jinshan said, Jiangsu between the government and farmers reached an agreement, a chicken cull in accordance with the compensation money to 10 yuan, equivalent to two eggs a chicken of the program, farmers who suffer a loss of compensation. 赔偿款项将于近期全部直接打入农户银行账户中。 Compensation payments will be in the near future all farmers to enter the bank account.

特供鸡蛋遭遇下架 Special experience for the eggs off the shelf

禽流感只在个体养殖蛋鸡中发现,金山表示,并没有波及到当地的养殖公司。 Bird flu in the only individual breeding hens were found, said Kingsoft has not spread to the local aquaculture Corporation. 但是东台、海安两地发现禽流感的消息还是给东台市花凤禽业有限公司带来了很大的打击。 But the east of Taiwan, MSC found that the two bird flu information or to the poultry industry phoenix spend Dongtai Co., Ltd. is a big blow.

在产自东台的鸡蛋中,最有名的要属“花凤”牌鸡蛋,据了解这种精心培养出来的鸡蛋是江苏鲜蛋类唯一获得绿色食品证书的品牌。 In the east of Taiwan from the eggs, the most well-known to be a "Feng Hua" brand eggs, according to well-trained to understand that the eggs are eggs, Jiangsu was the only category of green food certificate brands. 从2003年3月开始花凤鸡蛋就被选为全国人大、政协会议的特供用蛋,不过这两天花凤禽业却开心不起来了。 From the beginning of March 2003 to spend on the egg-feng was elected the National People's Congress, CPPCC sessions to use for special eggs, but the two smallpox in the poultry industry phoenix is not happy again.

“三聚氰胺给鸡蛋造成的影响并不是很大,”东台市花凤禽业有限公司总经理杨爱东叹了口气,“不过这次禽流感给公司的打击很大。”据了解,花凤禽业专门做超市供应,并且主要供应南京、无锡、上海等地。 "Melamine egg to the impact is not great," the poultry industry phoenix spend Dongtai Co., Ltd. Ai-Dong Yang, general manager sighed, "but the bird flu to crack down on big companies." It is understood that the poultry industry phoenix to spend so special Supermarket suppliers, and a major supplier of Nanjing, Wuxi, Shanghai and other places.

就在昨天,全国超市里的花凤鸡蛋全部惨遭下架。 Just yesterday, the national flower Fung supermarket eggs were all under the plane. 杨爱东透露,光是昨日的损失就超过了50万。 Ai-Dong Yang revealed that just yesterday the loss of more than 500,000. 现在一些马上要超过保值期的鸡蛋只有拿去喂猪了。 Now some more than once to preserve and increase the period of the eggs only take the pigs.

杨爱东说,现在公司束手无策,只有等待禽流感警报的解除。 Ai-Dong Yang said the company is now helpless, only waiting for the lifting of the bird flu alert. 平常这个时候都是销售鸡蛋的旺季,公司正在大量囤积鸡蛋准备迎接旺季。 Are common this time of the sale of eggs in the season, is hoarding a large number of eggs prepared for the peak season. 现在只有眼睁睁地看着鸡蛋坏掉。 Only now watched broken eggs. 如果在1个月之内不能解除禽流感的疫情,公司很有可能在这次禽流感中倒下。 If in one month can not lift the bird flu epidemic, the company is likely in the fall of bird flu.

实际上受这次禽流感冲击的还不止花凤禽业一家,在当地有一定规模的东台市登奥禽业养殖场,也未能幸免。 In fact affected by the impact of bird flu has also spent more than a poultry industry phoenix, in a certain local-scale poultry farms Dengao Dongtai, have not been spared. 其供应到外地超市的鸡蛋也在昨日统统遭遇下架。 Its supply to the field of supermarket eggs are all hit shelves yesterday.

大棚种植也受波及 Greenhouse cultivation is also affected

东台当地除了禽蛋养殖之外,比较大的产业就是大棚种植。 In addition to the east of Taiwan local culture eggs, the industry is more greenhouse cultivation. 按理说禽流感和大棚种植搭不上关系,但当地大部分大棚养殖的肥料都是来源于鸡粪。 Reason bird flu and greenhouse cultivation does not take on, but shed most of the local culture are derived from chicken manure fertilizer.

自从禽流感爆发之后,东台市政府对许河、唐洋、富东三镇都进行了严格的控制,就是鸡粪现在也不能运出。 Since the outbreak of bird flu, the Government of Dongtai River Xu and Tang Yang, Fu Tung three towns have been strictly controlled, that is not chicken out now. 这样一来当地的大棚种植所用的肥料,需要从较远的乡镇收购,无形中增加了种植农户们的生产成本。 As a result of local greenhouse cultivation used in fertilizer, far from the township to buy virtually an increase of farmers planting their production costs.

禽流感爆发之后,现在无论是公司还是农户都把大批大批卖不掉的蛋囤积起来。 After the outbreak of bird flu now is whether the company or have a large number of farmers can not sell a large number of eggs hoarding up. 据杨爱东透露,从前只要10块钱一个的鸡蛋框,现在都涨到了15块一个,光是这几天用于购置鸡蛋框的费用都超过了40000元。 According to Ai-Dong Yang said in the past as long as 10 eggs a money box, and now has risen to a 15, just over the past few days for the purchase of an egg box costs are more than 40,000 yuan.

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