Monday, December 8, 2008


Date: Fri 5 Dec 2008
Source: Andina, Agencia Peruana de Noticias [in Spanish, trans. Mod.JG]

Mr Manuel Aguinaga-Perez, mayor of Oyotun, reported today [3 Dec 2008] that
the city council of Oyotun, a district located 83 km (52 miles) east from
Chiclayo [capital city of Lambayeque Department on the northern Peruvian
coast], is declaring an emergency alert because of the risk for a potential
outbreak of bubonic plague as a result of the presence of a "massive"
number of rats that have destroyed 360 hectares (890 acres) of crops in
this area.

Mr Aguinaga reported that specialists from the Ministry of Health had found
up to 25 Asiatic rat fleas (_Xenopsylla cheopis_), vectors of bubonic
plague, per rat. For this reason, he declared that they fear the occurrence
of an outbreak of plague. A similar situation occurred 14 years ago in
Morrope District, where more than 100 people died. "This phenomenon alarmed
local health authorities, and we are working alongside every involved area
in order to prevent the occurrence of a deadly epidemic,"
he declared.

Even though Mr Aguinaga pointed out that to date not a single case of
plague has been reported in Oyotun, he said "there is a potential threat
that may expand and burst like a flame, and this is an important reason for
He indicated that the communities of Campo Nuevo, Zorronto, Pan
de Azucar, Macuaco, and Espinal had lost about 360 hectares of crops,
mainly cornfields, because of the massive presence of rats, and this has
caused serious economical problems for local farmers.

"We are requesting from the regional government financial support,
particularly seeds for affected farmers," Mr Aguinaga added; and he
observed that the presence of a massive rat invasion had been reported
since last June [2008], and now has spread to the higher parts of the district

Mr Aguinaga pointed out that, under the leadership of the Ministry of
Health, a coordinated plan was elaborated with the participation of the
Agricultural sector and the district municipality, since massive rodent
elimination may lead fleas to feed on other warm-blooded mammals.

communicated by:

[To this point, there has been no identification of the bacterial cause of
plague, _Yersinia pestis_, in the rodents or the rodent fleas. Given the
large number of rats in the area, however, concern about the possibility of
an outbreak of plague is not unreasonable.

Lambayeque can be found on the maps of Peru at
<> and the
HealthMap/ProMED-mail interactive map at
<,-74.304,5>. - Mod.LL]

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