Sunday, December 7, 2008

Public hospitals in danger! 突然の休院、譲渡…経営危機相次ぐ (1/3ページ) Institute of Closed sudden, the spate of crisis management assignment ...

2008.12.7 21:56

The management of public hospitals bankruptcy (insolvency) in the series is over. いずれも長年にわたって地域医療の拠点となってきた病院ばかりで、突然の休院、民間譲渡、合併…といった方針に、住民らの戸惑いは大きい。 The regional medical center over the years has been at the hospital, suddenly rest of the Board and the transfer of the private sector, such as merger policy ... and a lot of people were confused. 背景には深刻な医師不足に加え、不採算医療も担わなければならないといった公立病院ならではの事情があるようだ。 A serious shortage of doctors in the background, as well as to be unprofitable担WANAKERE such as medical and public hospitals seem to have a unique situation. (赤堀正卓) (Akabori Takashi Akira)

今年9月末に市立総合病院が診療休止となった千葉県銚子市では、病院存続を訴える市民団体が12月21日までの期間で、市長のリコール(解職要求)を求める署名活動を行っている。 City General Hospital in late September this year, the clinic was resting in the city of Chiba Prefecture Choshi, civic groups call for hospitals to survive December 21, a period of up to the recall of Mayor (dismissed requests) activities for the signature .

署名を集めている「『何とかしよう銚子市政』市民の会」事務局では、「病院存続に関する市民の思いには、計り知れない強さがある」と話す。 Are collecting signatures "Choshi City Government's attempt to manage public meeting" at the office of the "citizen's thoughts on survival in the hospital, the strength incalculable," he said. 銚子市の有権者は約6万人。 Choshi City, about 60,000 voters. リコールの住民投票が実現するには3分の1以上の署名が必要だが、運動開始から10日間で1万3000人の署名が集まった。 The realization of the referendum to recall that more than one-third of the required signatures, but the start motion in 10 days from the 13,000 signatures gathered. 事務局は「署名用紙が足りないほどだ。いかに病院が必要とされているかの証拠」という。 Secretariat, "about a lack of paper is signed. How hospitals are required evidence," he said.

佐賀県武雄市でも、月内に市立病院の存廃を争点にした市長選挙が実施されることになっている。 Saga Prefecture in Takeo, to the end of this month concerning abolition of the Municipal Hospital said disputed mayoral election will be conducted. 選挙にまでは至らなくても、最近各地で公立病院の休院や民間譲渡などの方針が打ち出されている。至RANAKU election even before the recent holidays Academy in various parts of the public and private hospitals, such as the transfer policy has been born out.

厚生労働省が2日にまとめた「医療施設動態調査」によると、自治体や日赤などが開設する公的医療機関の数は、平成19年は1325病院。 Health, Labor and Welfare said Thursday that "vital medical research facilities," said the Red Cross and local governments and establish a number of public medical institutions, hospitals 2007 to 1325. 18年に比べて26病院(1・9%)の減だった。 18 years compared to 26 hospitals (1.9 percent) fell. 民間医療法人の開設病院が5702と18年比で8(0・1%)の増になっているのと対照的だ。 The establishment of private hospitals, medical corporation and the 5702 ratio of 18 years in 8 (0.1%) is to increase the contrast.

[Go directly to link for the rest of the story]

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