The areas affected are Villa Tunari, Cobija, the city of Riberalta and Santa Cruz

Dengue: an official of the Prefecture of Beni sprayed in Trinidad, in an area infested with mosquitoes
The health emergency will last for three months and will involve 14,800 troops from the Armed Forces.
The government declared "health emergency" in the departments of Santa Cruz, Beni, Pando and Cochabamba due to the emergence of at least 250 cases of dengue so far this year.
The director of Epidemiology, Juan Carlos Arraya, said that the regions affected with this disease, transmitted by a mosquito, is Villa Tunari in Cochabamba; Riberalta, in Beni, Cobija, in Pando and Santa Cruz.
He noted that 80 percent of cases, which may not necessarily be the total, because there are people who have symptoms do not go to a health center is located in Santa Cruz.
Dengue is a disease transmitted to humans by the Aedes aegypti mosquito and can cause death due to bleeding.
The authority said that during the last administration there were 2,000 cases of laboratory confirmed dengue and dengue hemorrhagic 11, nine of which were detected in Santa Cruz and two in Pando.
The authority explained that the declaration of a health emergency involves coordinated work in all areas to prevent the disease causes the death of individuals.
Among the activities planned include the spraying of infested areas, eliminating mosquito breeding grounds and the provision of clean water to families living in these regions, among others.
Part of this work will be the strength of the armed forces who will work during the emergency in a number of 14,800, who also provide vehicles and in some cases their own spraying equipment and control of dengue.
The emergency will last three months, while for the rainy season in the country, which is specifically linked to the increase of the disease.
Other measures set to counter this evil, attacking in particular the poorest regions because they do not have basic facilities and hygienic living conditions, is a long-term strategy (2008-2013) which aims to maintain standards Hemorrhagic dengue mortality to zero and the levels of infestation in homes less than 5 percent.
Health Minister Ramiro Tapia said that the declaration of emergency that would require all hospitals and medical centers and cater to the health of their total capacity, so he called on workers in the area for reflection, as it considered that Some people just do conflict in such situations in the country, referring to officials of the National Health Fund (CNS) involved in a stoppage of activities seven days.
Dengue is an infectious disease caused by a virus transmitted to humans by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Since 1980, most countries the transmission of this disease and the increased frequency of epidemics due to the rapid growth of urban populations with poor sanitation and lack of adequate resources for water storage and disposal of garbage, optimum conditions for the spread of the mosquito.
The only way to prevent disease is to control mosquito breeding and its rapid and early detection of cases. The vaccine against dengue is in research stage.
Mosquito control, in addition to international health measures, requires the support of the community. Thus, in the presence of the vector can eliminate mosquito breeding sites are cleaned up trash, keeping the water tanks filled and emptying containers of rain water, old tires and other objects which may contain water detention. These actions are simple, involving resources and are not effective.
The health emergency will last three months, time which coincides with the rainy season.
The Armed Forces are working with 14,800 troops for the operations.
Santa Cruz department is more prone to the disease.
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