Monday, February 16, 2009

Six residents Sukatani was expected by Bird Flu

By Republika Newsroom
Senin, 16 Februari 2009 pukul 14:02:00

Bekasi -- six villagers Sukamulya, Kecamatan Sukatani, of Kabupaten Bekasi were expected susfect bird flu. This condition happened following 50 kept chickens the resident in this area died suddenly.

Currently the condition for the body of the six residents is still hot high but did not yet receive the maintenance. Dozens of chickens that died suddenly this happened since last Thursday (12/2). However chickens that died suddenly that not was destroyed, but was thrown away to the river current and the rest were consumed by the resident. It was not again doubtful, the resident that mengonsumsi the chicken penyakitan that then spread his illness to the resident.

Following the sensational incident this resident, the official from the Kesehatan Service and the Service of Peternakan Kabupaten Bekasi direct to considered to the location of the incident.

Further, the official at once took the sample of blood from 25 residents in this subdistrict last Saturday (14/2). Results will be known around two weeks more.

Dinkes and the Service Peternakan Kabupaten Bekasi also did rapid the test in the location of the incident. From results of this test, the Peternakan Kabupaten Service named the poultry that died this terjangkit the bird flu virus. According to the Sub-district Head Sukatani, Saleh Suhasbi, today was carried out by spraying disinfektan all over the chicken coop belonging to the resident. We were still making an effort to ask the resident in order to give his poultry willingly was destroyed. Unfortunately the resident asked konpensasi if his poultry must have to be destroyed, he said.

Sahroni one of the residents mentioned, his child of Ipin (10 years) also suffered hot tinggi.Selanjut him he memeriksakan his child to the closest community health centre, but up to now did not yet have results. The official in the community health centre suggested his child was again taken came home.

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