Thursday, 19 March 2009

By: Reny Mardiningsih
For the purposes of research, Avian Influenza Research Center using a monkey, chicken, mouse and Ferret (a kind of civet cat, Red.) As the experimental animal. Rat was selected because the animals have a normal one so this animal experiment. Chicken taken because bird flu-related research. While monkeys and Ferret characteristics selected as most relevant people.
The use of mice, chickens and Ferret as experimental animals do not have a problem because the lab-lab most others also use it. But once the monkey, the reaction appears. Moreover, the bird flu lab at the Campus C Unair Primate using this in a number of quite large.
Meanwhile, the new bird flu lab has four containers that each contain two monkey cage. In each enclosure can be filled with a monkey or two, depending on the needs of research. So, if counted, the monkeys required more than 10 head. That is if there is no additional enclosure.
"We have 20 stalls inginnya monkeys here. But help is coming down because the new container 4, so we receive. If there is an opportunity to get a pen, we will take, "said Chairman of the Laboratory of Avian Flu Tropical Disease Center (TDC), Dr CA Nidom, drh, MS, who also led the Avian Influenza Research Center.
Too much monkey used to make automatic Avian Influenza Research Center of attention from the international world. Animal protection agencies will clearly have a voice if a large-scale exploitation in the use of monkeys as experimental animals. Especially abroad, lab-lab research rarely utilizes guard because of the price per ekornya expensive, pemakaiannya also limited.
"Attention on the biggest job we will use is to the monkey. Therefore, we must be careful, "said Nidom.
To avoid protests and criticism from the activists, and all the staff Nidom researchers mengantongi license from Kyoto Primate Center. License give permission to the use of monkeys as the object of research animals.
However, there is the positive use of the guard in bird flu lab. Researchers from abroad definitely interested in doing research on Avian Influenza Research Center due Primate used. Abroad, researchers can not freely use monkeys as much as possible for research purposes. The price of a very expensive monkey.
In Japan, the price of one monkey tails reach Rp 10 million. In the U.S. much more expensive. The State of Wisconsin, the price can be up to Rp 180 million per head. Meanwhile in Indonesia, the price of Rp 2-3 million, a monkey can take home.
Nidom sure will be many researchers from abroad to come to Avian Influenza Research Center to take advantage of the primates that are as experimental animals. This is so the opportunity for Indonesian researchers to gain or share knowledge with them.
"Clearly there are a lot of knowledge that can we can from them. Either with the direct learning through exchange opinions or "steal" without them, "said Nidom.
In addition, Pamor Indonesia in international eyes will also be picked up. The Avian Influenza Research Center to sit in line with other lab-lab in the world. Lab results of bird flu cooperation the Ministry of Health and Unair this does not make Indonesia more inferior in the international eye.
"With the existing equipment and the number of foreign researchers who came, not only the name Unair the exposure in the international world, but also Indonesia. This is clearly improving Pamor Indonesia. We are so flush with researchers from other countries who may be more advanced, "said Nidom.
According to Nidom, many researchers from outside of a mengantre to participate can take advantage of Avian Influenza Research Center as a research site. One of the Universiti Sains Malaysia recently made visits to Unair. The position of an independent lab and not under the wing TDC or create FKH Avian Influenza Research Center researchers receive free the country from which you want to do any research in this lab.
"Avian Influenza Research Center not only shows the seriousness in handling the cases of Indonesia bird flu. But also the bargaining position in Indonesia before the other countries. Besides Malaysia, the researchers from Japan also plans participate utilize this lab, "Nidom demolished.
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