The official from the Kesehatan Service discussed with the patient was expected by bird flu, AG (left), in his house in the Halteu Village, Desa Cipatat, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, on Wednesday (8/4). According to AG, he was forced to escape from RSHS on Monday (6/4) around struck 11,00 WIB because his wish was treated in the house was not granted by the official. * Ade BAYU INDRA/PR
Admitted to be wrong, BUT did not want to return to RSHS
Kamis, 09 April 2009
NGAMPRAH - the puzzle AG (25) that escaped from space of the Poinciana Tree isolation of Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Kota Bandung was solved already. Met in his parents's house in the Halteu RT Village 1 RW 19, the Cipatat Village, Kec. Cipatat, Kab. Bandung was Barat, on Wednesday early afternoon (8/4), AG that was expected terjangkit this bird flu appeared healthy and was playing in a third manner his sweetheart. "I felt I has been healthy." Whated are you doing I was treated very old. I also enggak felt in the hospital at home, [dictionary translation: "“I think already finished healthy. Why I cared for after a long time. I also/still not to bear/endure in hospital”] said AG when telling the reason he escaped from Flamboyan RSHS Space that was minded was tight enough by the nurse.
AG claimed, he escaped through the window toilet available in Flamboyan Space, on Monday (6/4) around struck 11,00 of WIB. Saat Itu gazed at rest time of the nurses so as the guarding was not too tight. By shifting the youngest child FS (14 months) that also was treated, and his wife, Rika (19), AG determined to escape. "Window glasses in toilet that has been lax, so easy was freed." Because of the location of the rather high window, I rose on the bath previously for manjat the window. From the window, I left the hospital corridor, said AG.
During in the hospital corridor, said AG, the atmosphere was not too busy. Moreover, the security units then were not available. The three of them walked and sway the arms until going out RSHS. not dared to immediately came home, AG brought his family to your house him in the Pamucatan Village, Kec. Padalarang, Kab. Bandung was West. The next day, on Tuesday (7/4), AG decided to go to his parent-in-law's house in the Cikokosan Village, Desa Kertamukti, Kec. Cipatat, Kab. Bandung was West. Overnight in his parent-in-law's house, AG decided to return to his parents's house in the Halteu Village, on Wednesday (8/4). [dictionary translation following quote]"I already finished to ask kindly to return home same doctor in RSHS, however not have been responded. I already healthy, while treated myself to bathe alone. While also when I cared for finished, who will want to give to consume food family mine. I backbone family here, father mine done elderly" said AG.
Admitted to be wrong
AG acknowledged, if his action escaped from the hospital was wrong. But, he also did not receive was made as being expected by bird flu. According to him, before eating the chicken that it was suspected was sick because of this bird flu, AG has been sick flu. "His weather still is ugly, I and children were sick with a cold." Moreover, the neighbouring child also was sick. When eating the chicken, I have been sick. Why only I and FS that was made suspect. FS breathless because he indeed had asthma and bronchitis, not bird flu, said AG.
In the meantime, the UPTD Head and the Cipatat Community Health Centre, Kab. Bandung was Barat Dr. Wahyu said, his side has tried to ask for AG so that he wants to be treated again in RSHS. Namun, all the decisions to be on the hands of AG. "We could not force AG. If he indeed did not want to be treated again, okay then," said Wahyu.
Beforehand, the Managing Director RSHS Bandung, Prof. Dr. Dr. Cissy R.s. Prawira, Sp.A. (K), M.Sc.said, was based on results of the clinic inspection and the laboratory of the patient AG and FS, did not head to bird flu. Even so results of the PCR inspection of the available poultry there the negative. (A-187)
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