Friday, April 10, 2009

Russian article on Pigeon Species

[Long and information article on the species]
9 Apr, 2009,
Already 45 years in the city on the Yenisei, there golubevodov society. Consisting of enthusiasts are engaged in cultivation of rare breeds, respectively, of pigeons. This wild species (those that walk on city streets), judges are not interested. What they may surprise aesthetes?
Any thoroughbred pigeon can not be kept in a cage, like the canary. Better equipped for these birds a special nursery at the open air. Residents of the suburb in this area is easier: there where Razgulyai, and питомцам comfortable - they are not disturbed by noise and curious eyes. Those who breeds pigeons living in the Krasnoyarsk, forced to keep birds in small loft, located directly in the yards of homes.
Thoroughbred urban residents are often the prey of cats and dying from various diseases (for example, pigeons do not get sick of avian influenza and do not carry it). As a result, they live no more than five years. And could be three times more! By the way, people who разводят pigeons for sale, very little: too high costs for their content. They are mostly amateurs who are trying to put perfectly clean rock. At the pleasure of himself and the people.
In March, a pigeon breeding season begins, and they can not detract from the chicks. And until December the birds are experiencing replaced pen and do not look better.
Culver, unlike the thoroughbred, it is better adapted to survival. Where there is food - and it inhabits. In general, the specific benefits of wild pigeons to humans there. They eat rats, dogs. Themselves, they eat grass, grains, feed. Seeds can not feed the pigeons. Chips and crackers are also adversely affect their digestion. From fried, fatty, salty, they quickly die. But bread and cereals do not cause harm.
Humans can become infected from a wild pigeon salmonellosis (outdoor bird brezguet lazat by scrap-heap). In autumn, for example, pigeons often sit nahohlivshiesya, lowered from the beak, not afraid of human hands. To touch a bird do not have to - it is most likely sick of intestinal infection and will soon die. Do not save the lame and the pigeon. Most likely, it is hooked to lines, or thread wound on the plastic in the scrap-heap. Trauma has always lead to gangrene and death. This is life: more than half wild pigeons do not live.

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