Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Pointed out as RS Rujukan Flu Burung

Rabu, 08 April 2009

The Bojonegoro Regional Government might be proud. Because, RSUD Dr R Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro was indicated by the Health Minister (menkes) as the hospital (RS) bird flu reconciliation. That is, to serve the bird flu patient from the Bojonegoro territory, Lamongan and Tuban.

Public relations of RSUD drg Thomas Djaja said, beforehand the patient who was stated positive infected the bird flu illness must be sent to RS reconciliation. That is, beforehand only was in RSU Dr Soetomo Surabaya.

"From this year, the handling" of the "bird flu patient was enough to be carried out in Bojonegoro," explained he to this newspaper reporter yesterday (7/4).

According to Thomas, post penunjukkan that menkes also sent a set of medical equipment to handle the bird flu patient. In part, concentrate oxygen, the ventilator, X raay mobile, the monitor patient and APD (the protective equipment himself). Especially for APD, said he, only could be used to very much with.

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