Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Needed RS [Hospital] Fast Preceptive during the Disaster


Rumah Sakit (RS) or health facilities and the health power in the middle of an emergency became the theme of the Health Se- Dunia Day warning on April 7 this year.

The organisation of the Health of the World (WHO) focussed on RS, to be precise RS that was safe in the middle of the disaster, as well as the preceptive health power the disaster.

According to Director General WHO Dr Margaret Chan, when RS or other health facilities collapse when the disaster happening, the life that depended on the maintenance in emergency could be lost. In the condition for the emergency, like the flood, the earthquake, several countries lost the RS capacity as far as 50 percent exact at the time of the service critically urgent really was needed. The RS security included construction endurance, planning, and the preceptive training of the emergency.

Moreover, said Margaret, RS readiness must be in the disaster situation begun from the simple early-warning system, protected equipment and equipment to prepare the staff helped casualties in the mass number and did not lose important was the control of the infection.

Beside the natural disaster, the plague of infectious diseases also became the cause of the death. In 12 months till May 31 2008, 162 plagues of the infection happened, a third him happened in South Africa. Especially in overcoming the plague of the illness that the level of his spread was high, like bird flu (Avian influenza), was needed by RS that had facilities that were good for treated the patients, including protecting the health power from the spread.

An emergency did not only have an impact on humankind, also had a big impact on RS, the clinic, and other health facilities. Even, when destruction of the infrastructure of health facilities, precisely happening health facilities were most needed. For example when the tsunami in Aceh, happening 61 percent broken of health facilities. In Singapore, for example, there was RS that especially for infectious diseases, namely RS Tan Tock Seng, Di Jakarta, there was RSPI Sulianti Saroso. In Hong Kong, the local government built RS with modern technological facilities to anticipate infectious diseases, learned from the plague of the acute respiratory syndrome serious (severe acute respiratory syndrome/SARS).

Damage could also happen in the middle of the conflict. Why must health facilities stay safe in the situation kedaruratan? According to WHO, there were three reasons. Firstly, health facilities and the health power helped rescued the life and protected the health. Secondly, protected investment, because constructive repeated RS that was broken made the burden of economics bigger. Thirdly, maintained the social stability. RS was the protected place for the community while the conflict, and RS were neutral.

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