Sunday, May 17, 2009

Almeselhy announced today controls the pilgrimage season

Sunday, May 17, 2009 - 11:34

Dr. Almeselhy announce the Minister of Social Solidarity on Sunday, controls the marking of this year's pilgrimage, and in the presence of representatives of NGOs, said Mohamed Tawfiq, executive director of the Foundation to facilitate the Hajj and Umrah of the Ministry of Social Solidarity for the seventh day, the purpose of the trips organized by the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah is to create a good environment for citizens through the provision of visas to citizens at low prices.

يذكر أن المؤسسة القومية لتيسير رحلة الحج والعمرة، تقوم بتنظيم رحلة حج سنوياً لعدد 12.5 ألف مواطن، حيث يتم تخصيص 630 تأشيرة للجمعيات المركزية و11092 تأشيرة بأسعار اقتصادية و843 بأسعار مميزة، وذلك بالتعاون مع شركة مصر للطيران مع تحمل المؤسسة 10 كيلوات وزن إضافى لكل حاجٍ مجاناً، فضلاً عن أنه يتم مخاطبة المحافظين لترشيح المشرفين على الحجاج، وذلك للعمل على راحة الجميع أثناء رحلة الحج.

Is noteworthy that the national institution to facilitate the journey of Hajj and Umrah, the journey the organization of an annual pilgrimage to the number of 12.5 thousand people, with the allocation of the 630 visa and the Central Red 11092 visa at economical prices, and 843 at a distinct, in cooperation with Egypt Air with the institution carrying 10 kilos extra weight of all pilgrims free of charge Moreover, he will address the Conservative nomination for the supervisors of the pilgrims, for the convenience of all the work during the pilgrimage.

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