Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Egypt: The death of a housewife and injuring 3 students to "emerging influenza" in Fayoum

Tuesday, December 28, 2010 - 14:25

Died this morning, Tuesday, "spiritual. O. P - 65 years old housewife" of the village beauty Btamip facility, intensive care room Fayoum General Hospital, have shown that the results of sample analysis labs central Ministry of Health being infected with influenza positive developments.

كما أثبتت نتائج التحاليل إيجابية إصابة 3 أطفال بالمرض وهم "محمود . ع" تلميذ بمدرسة الشهيد صلاح الدين الابتدائية بسنورس، والذى احتجز بمستشفى الفيوم العام اليوم والتلميذ "إسلام . ش" من مدرسة الغريب الابتدائية والذى يُحتجز بالمستشفى منذ عدة أيام والتلميذ "محمود . م . ع" من مدرسة مطول الابتدائية بمركز اطسا. As demonstrated by test results positive injuring 3 children with the disease are "Mahmoud." P school student martyr Salah al-Din primary Psonors, which held a hospital Fayoum General today and the student "Islam. U" from the School of odd primary and who is being held in hospital for several days and the student "Mahmoud. M . p "of the status of primary school verbose Itsa.

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