Thursday, January 20, 2011

Egypt: #H5N1 and #H1N1 Increased Cases, Health Ins. Serves Just A Few

An excerpt from a length article:

Ministry of Health, uh from the Ministry of Health of all achievements that we have become No. 1 of the deaths and the spread of bird flu, swine flu and travel is not worth the expense of the state look at the case of government hospitals and the level it has reached?
حالات الوفيات المتزايدة فى المستشفيات لأنفلونزا الخنازير والطيور وبالطبع الرقم يفوق ما تعلنه وزارة الصحة بكثير أصبح المرضى لا يجدون الدواء ولا العناية فاما يذهب المريض الى المستشفيات الاستثمارية واما يموت فى المستشفيات الحكومية زيادة على كارثة التامين الصحي الذي لا يخدم الى فئة قليلة

Deaths increased in hospital for avian and swine influenza and of course more than the number announced by the Ministry of Health has become much patients have no medicine or care of either patient goes to the hospitals, investment and die either in government hospitals increased to a disaster, health insurance, which does not serve to a few

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