Thursday, September 15, 2011

Kederi,Indonesia has more dead birds without symptoms

Dozens of birds in Kediri Sudden Death Kediri -  Dozens of dead birds in the village Kwadungan Ngasem District, it consists of chickens and ducks. Dozens of birds were dead since 2 days ago.

Seperti dialami seorang peternak bernama Sutikno (42) warga Desa Kwadungan. As experienced by a rancher named Sutikno (42) Kwadungan village residents. He claimed dozens of chickens and ducks and roosters suddenly with mucus and limp.

"Animal I started off on Wednesday with the characteristic features of livestock limp, out mucus in the mouth up," said Sutikno to at home to cattle, Thursday (09/15/2011).
. He suspects that the death of poultry with no signs of illness.  Even giving him the head of water as previously suspected poisoning. Namun unggas-unggasnya tetap mati. But the birds-poultry remain dead.

 "I thought I was dead livestock deaths due to poisoning, and I could give my duck with coconut milk, but still dead," added Sutikno.

Sutikno admitted that the previous neighbor's chickens are also many who died suddenly, so that citizens are concerned if any epidemic of bird flu.

. Over this incident, the local village government directly report the death of birds to the Veterinary Department of Fisheries and Kediri.

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