Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Camobdia: Commentary

The last confirmed case in Cambodia offered more detail, and it is worrisome to say the least.

He initially was treated by a local practitioner, as many others this year were.  In this case, he developed a frequent cough and dypsnea, only 2 days after the onset, which was a fever only.  To develop labored or difficult breathing two days after the onset is troubling.  What is more concerning, is that he was hospitalized 3 days after the labored breathing began and was treated with Tamiflu.  The Tamiflu did not help, and he developed pneumonia.

Here is a summary:

Date:  February 26, 2013
Name:  35 (Male)
From:  Kbl Ou Village, Me Sar Chrey commune, Stueng Trang, Kampong Cham Province
Onset:  2/8  fever; worsened on 2/10 w/frequent cough, dypsnea
Adm:  Local practitioner
Adm:  2/13 Kampong Cham Hosp.  Treated with Tamiflu
Adm:  2/19, Hospital Benh Calmete, Phnom Penh  (MOH Statement says 2/21)  Developed pneumonia
Notes:  Contact with dead Ducks and eating. 
Confirmation:  Positive on 2/23/19
DOD:  2/25

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