Sunday, January 11, 2009

Pumong Vsudhara tea plantations in Berdflu

Jan 10, 12:43 am
Krsiang / Siliguri (Darjeeling): 40 kilometers from the city-based Vasundhara Pumong tea plantation in the grip of Berdflu has come. According to the information, evidence of Berdflu in the region after meeting Thursday afternoon to kill the chickens has been initiated.Take it at the Circuit House in Darjeeling on Wednesday at a meeting of administrative officials was decided to kill the chickens. Here, in Siliguri Maping work was completed. In exchange, there is no information of the death of chickens. On the other hand, the tea plantations in the day Pumong Vasundhara Berdflu outbreak found evidence of poultry from the same day afternoon at 4:30 to kill order was issued, but the order to kill the chickens, despite the team because of the inconvenience of traffic late on Wednesday evening reached. The villagers while Flswrup that day due to not kill chickens. Berdflu in the affected areas on Thursday 6 per team, according to the 9-member team began the task of killing chickens. Here, the affected areas of the Health Department's team examined the health of villagers. Rajagnj in the establishment and Siliguri in view of the poultry Berdflu after killing Moping of work has been finished. Siliguri Sharad Dwivedi said that the establishment Sdio in new places are not aware of the outbreak of Berdflu. Property Administration creature Department, Health Department and the Forest Department to monitor the special already has directed. Panchayats in a row each of the death of chickens have been asked to give information.

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