Monday, January 12, 2009

Uganda on influenza alert

News January 13, 2009
Evelyn Lirri
The International Federation of Red Cross has put the Uganda Red Cross on alert after scientists predicted that Avian (human) influenza might strike anytime, without any warning.
The Uganda Red Cross Society’s (URCS) newly appointed Secretary General, Mr Michael Richard Nataka, has been tasked to implement the Avian Influenza programme which is aimed at preparing households and communities for the possible Avian epidemic.
In case an Avian pandemic hits the country, there will not be any vaccines, no medicines apart from home care treatment, hence the need for preparedness, the URCS said in a statement yesterday.
The programme will also look at reducing transmission and caring for the sick, according to a statement released in Kampala by URC spokesperson Ms Catherine Ntabadde.
Avian influenza is a new human virus, which is different from bird flu but can be got from eating sick birds.
According to URCS, Avian (human) influenza attacks the respiratory system and its symptoms include muscle aches and pains, fatigue, headache, cough, soar throat and runny nose.
In children, the Avian influenza may present itself with nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhoea. According to URCS, its mode of transmission is usually through air and close contact with infected persons.
It can also be spread by touching contaminated things or surfaces.

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