Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ready for Swine Flu, Round 2?

Published: August 1, 2009

History suggests that we are likely to experience a much bigger, second wave of H1N1 influenza pandemic in the fall. Four experts discuss different areas that will play a role in the public health response.

E.R.'s May Be the First Victims

We must plan now to prepare emergency rooms to meet the challenge, and educate patients with mild symptoms to seek alternative care.

The ABC's of H1N1

Schools are a perfect environment for a virus to spread, so every county should make a concerted effort to monitor and minimize outbreaks.

Fly the Germ-Free Skies

Airports and airline personnel should be fully trained in infection control measures, and hand sanitizers should be available throughout airports and aboard aircraft.

Prepare for a Vaccine Controversy

If a vaccine for the H1N1 flu becomes widely available, the next challenge will be on educating the public on the risks and benefits of vaccination.

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