Click on map to enlarge. Blue dot postmark is confirmed poultry. Blue postmark is suspected poultry. Red is human:

Back in October, 2011, the Chickens started to die in the Bone Regency. We reported it on Nov. 25th. Article found here:
16/10/2011 10:04 , Bone: Hundreds of chickens died suddenly in the Village Ponceng, Bone regency, South Sulawesi. Allegedly the chickens died of bird flu that is circulating in the area. Dead chickens salivate. , Bone: Hundreds of chickens died suddenly in the Village Ponceng, Bone regency, South Sulawesi. Allegedly the chickens died of bird flu that is circulating in the area. Dead chickens salivate.
On January 11, we previous reported a family of 6 in S. Sulawesi. 3 Family members were dead, and the other 3 were put in ICU, along with 15 others. Article(s) can be found here, here, here, here, and here.
Our details are below.
Date of article 1/10/12
3 Family Members Died in house with Same Complaints
Below: Father, Mother, 11 yo
Name: Risnawati or Nismawati (16)
Name: Nurbaya
Name: Arsil
Name: Wahid
From: Relemba, Tombolopao Dist., Gowa
Sym’s: high fever, sore throad
Adm: RSU Wahidin (a referral hospital for bird flu)
Notes: All live in same home. All had same complaints. Health Department went in to village, 1/7. Family & neighbors taken blood samples. 15 people were brought to Wahidin Hosp. Suffering from severe clinical sym’s.
Adm: 14 civilians in Intensive Care, RSU Wahidin
3 BrothersName: Zul Asril (6)
Adm: 12/20 - Pustu Health Ctr.
Sym’s: high fever sore throad/bleed when spitting
Diagnosis: tonsillitis pharyngitis/acute inf. Resp. tract.
DOD: 12/26/11
Name: Amiruddin (17)
Adm: None. Brought to Traditional Healer.
Sym’s: same as brother Zul
Onset: 12/25
DOD: 12/30/11
Name: Nurmiati (14)
Adm: none
Sym’s: sore throat
Onset: (?) Drastic decline on 12/31.
DOD: 1/3/12 Died on way to health center
On 1/20, Residents were brought to the hospital in N. Sulawesi located here.
Shocking, bird flu virus (H5N1) that is very deadly if contracted in humans, was endemic in the region Kanonang Kingdom, Western District Kawangkoan, Minahasa regency. A number of residents who allegedly exposed to the virus was rushed to hospital and 2740 chickens and ducks dimusnahan, Friday (01/20/2012).
"The incidence of chickens died suddenly had occurred from late December 2011. Until now there are chickens that died suddenly," he said
Head Distanak North Sulawesi Province, Johanis Palenewen said, according to procedures for handling bird flu, if there is one area of bird flu infected poultry, all poultry population in the area must be destroyed.
"Culling of poultry has been within the rules. We found no positive poultry infected with bird flu, poultry populations so that all must be destroyed. This is done to break the spread of bird flu virus," he said.
In an article, 1/20, 2 boys are hospitalized, suspected of bird flu, posted here and here:
Unexpected Observations Diskes Minahasa boy Bird Flu, Friday, January 20, 2012 16:59 pm "But we will continue to observe its development. We are concerned lest the later symptoms appear several days after the sudden death of poultry at the scene," he said. Manado (North Sulawesi Reuters) - North Sulawesi Provincial Health Office observe the two boys suspected bird flu in the village of Kanonang, District Kawangkoan, Minahasa regency, North Sulawesi Province.
"There are two three-year-old boy and 12 years, but both had to go home to his village. We are still observing to see the development of a sequel," said Head of Controlling Health Problems (FMD) Diskes North Sulawesi Province, dr Lampus Jemmy, in Manado, on Friday.
He said the two boys was observed after feathered friends around him died suddenly and unexpectedly have a fever.
Article dated January 21, that tells of the poultry dying with absolutely NO symptoms.
Hundreds of chickens owned by residents of Environmental Makammu 2, Village Bulukunyi, District of South Polongbangkeng, in an instant died suddenly, Friday, January 20.
The incident shocked the owner of the chicken. Worried about bird flu, chickens that died immediately annihilated by dumped and buried. Residents later reported the incident to the related department.
"There is no previous symptoms. But before dying chickens bowed his head bowed. After five minutes later, the chicken is dead," said one resident, Dg Nuntung. Until yesterday afternoon, his ten chickens died.
Neighbors Nuntung Dg, also experienced the same event. Fourteen of his chickens, died suddenly.
"One chicken bangkok kasian I die, too. Now live chicks remaining," said Dg Nanring.
Do not want to take risks, a number of teams from the field of Animal Husbandry Takalar immediately took to the field. They took samples of dead chickens and chickens live who are ill to be examined the scene.
"The chickens are infected with virus positive ND (newcastle disease), not the bird flu. ND virus is not contagious to humans, but its spread to other chicken fast enough," explains Head of Livestock Department of Agriculture and Forestry Takalar Ghani Muhammad Ridwan.
He also suggested to conduct spraying disinfectant on the chickens are still alive. Ridwan also said, live chickens infected with ND virus can still be consumed as long as it is cooked to perfection.
"To destroy this virus is rather difficult. Control can only be done by way of vaccination. It is common place, as it related to weather factors. So that affect the health of chickens that are easily infected with ND virus of this disease," he explained.
To obtain more complete results, it also brought some samples to be tested in depth in the laboratory.
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