Monday, January 9, 2012 | 00:40:29 PM | 520 HITS
Three Brothers Mysterious DeathsAllegedly Infected by Viruses, 15 Residents Evacuated to Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo
Sungguminasa, DAWN - The three brothers in the hamlet Matteko, Erelembang Village, District Tombolopao reportedly died under mysterious circumstances. The three also died within the contiguous. Suspected death of a third
siblings was due to the virus.
Brothers reportedly died after suffering a high fever and sore throat. In part
residents in the remote village began to be evacuated to Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar, because it was feared had been infected with a deadly contagious disease.
Three brothers who died each Zul Asril (6 years), Amiruddin (17 years), and Nurmiati (14 years). One more relatives of the victims named Nismawati (16 years) and no less 14 other civilians, remains in intensive care at the department of Wahidin Sudirohusodo.
Gowa's Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Heri Gaffar, Sunday, January 8, explains, Zul Asril began treatment at health center (Pustu) on December 20, 2011 last. Clinical symptoms complained of casualties is high fever, sore
throat to bleed when spitting. From the results of the diagnosis of health workers, Zul suffering from tonsillitis pharyngitis or acute infection of the respiratory tract. However Zul finally died at 26
In December.
Brother Zul, Amiruddin be the next victim. Amiruddin reportedly began experiencing the same symptoms on 25 December. The information obtained by Dr. Heri, the victim's parents did not bring to the installation Amiruddin health. But
instead treated to a traditional healer. On December 30, Amiruddin followed his brother into the afterlife.
Only a day later, the health conditions Nurmiati went down drastically. Nurmiati also experience symptoms of sore throat. Unfortunately, the 14-year-old youth died on the way to the local health center, 3
In January.
Gowa own new Health Department informed the death of three brothers on 3 January. "Previously there info. But it is not clear alias confusing. Later on 3 (January) the new information
could be confirmed, "said Dr. Heri.
After ascertaining the truth of the information, the health department was immediately lowered the team moved quickly to the village health center Matteko. The officers worked day and night checks on all members of the victim's family following his neighbors. Saturday, December 7, the joint team from the Directorate Epim Kesma Ministry of Health, Central Health Laboratory (BBLK) South Sulawesi Health Office and the Public Health Service Matteko Gowa back to Hamlet. This time, the victim's family and neighbors taken blood samples for examination.
As a precaution, as many as 15 people, including entire families, were evacuated to the department of Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar. Citizens suspected of suffering from severe clinical symptoms then are placed in isolation rooms. "Now we're just waiting for culture results BBLK germs by the province. It is estimated it will take up to a week," added Dr. Heri.
Until the results of laboratory tests have not come out, then the status of outbreaks (Extraordinary Events) can not be announced. However, if the results of laboratory tests showed the existence of an infectious disease threats and
deadly, it will be desirable to isolate the population.
Dr. Heri continued, while the results of the examination, the victim allegedly suffered from diphtheria the tonsils or acute infection of the respiratory tract. This deadly disease outbreak victims who do not generally pay much attention to environmental sanitation.
He also denied rumors that mention health department officials to ignore the case. Dr. Heri confirmed, health workers in remote villages that already take medication according to the procedure. But the
victims who did not perform control so that the treatment is lost.
"Maybe because of the distance (from the victim's home to Pustu) very much and the weather is bad. There were no mobile signal in a radius of 15-25 km. Yet the terrain is very tough," he explained. Camat Tombolopao, Andi Sura Suaib said the incident did not make the situation in Hamlet Matteko panic. Society, he continued,
continue business as usual. Villagers also been distributed antibiotics and vitamins. "Yesterday I left the location at 8 pm. There are two people with a fever and immediately rushed to hospitals Sheikh Yusuf. But it was a cold and now it's back," said Andi Sura contacted separately.
Previously had diphtheria epidemic and declared as outbreaks in East Java, in October 2011 last. A total of 329 residents of East Java declared infected and 11 people died.
Members of Parliament from the constituency Tombolopao Gowa, Nur Salam confirmed, Sunday, January 8, confirmed the incident. Nur Salam also participate in group health team. "But we do not yet know what his illness because he said his blood sample will still be examined in Surabaya," said Nur Salam.
Camat Tombolopao, Andi Sura Suaib also acknowledged the event. Based on the results of blood checks quickly (rapid test), confirmed the death of the deceased could not due to bird flu virus. Health team also took blood samples from the deceased's parents and some neighbors.
The results of further blood tests can only be known on Tuesday, tomorrow, or Wednesday, the day after. "If the data, we suggest you contact Puskesmasnya," said Andi Sura and a contact number for Health Center staff Tombolopao.
Unfortunately, the clerk at the health center Tombolopao is not much information.He only revealed that the first victim died on December 24, 2011 last. "We've sent all its data to the (health department) district. Immediately contact," he said.
Meanwhile, Head of South Sulawesi Provincial Health Office Dr.dr.H.Rachmat Latif, SpPD., M. Kes when confirmed last Sunday night via cell phone claimed not to know the cases that occurred in the hamlet Matteko, Erelembang Village, District Tombolopao, Gowa regency , it. "I do not know it, there has been no report came to me," he said.
Rachmat admitted on a working visit to several areas. Therefore he did not know the case of three citizens of Gowa meningalnya mysteriously. He also added, usually to a case that occurred at the district / city then the Chief Medical Officer (Health Office) steeped in the local case.
"You'd better ask around (Dinkes Gowa, red). Even so I will call on relevant parties tomorrow, to know clearly what the real issue," he explained. (Aha-RhD)

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