Jurnas.com | ALTHOUGH cases of bird flu throughout the year 2011 and has decreased the incidence, but the death Puguh Dwi Yulianto, Sunter, North Jakarta residents from bird flu last week, making the transmission of avian influenza virus to humans will continue to happen. "The possibility of transmission to humans is still there, although the number of cases in the world and in Indonesia continue to decline," said Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health (P2PL) Ministry of Health, Tjandra Yoga Aditama, in Jakarta (10 / 1). Thus the , he said, the government will continue to control the bird flu virus is carried out on animals.
In addition, the extension of education to people not in direct contact with sick birds also continue to be made. "It should wash hands frequently with soap, keep health and others, as well as medical treatment when sick, of course also maintain the readiness of health facilities and vigilance," said Tjandra.
He said the peak of bird flu cases worldwide occur in 2006, where in world there are 115 cases in Indonesia and among them there are 55 cases in 2006. While in the world in 2011 and there were 60 cases.
Health Minister (Menkes), Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih also said, in addressing cases of bird flu, the government still provides drug stockpiles of bird flu, Tamiflu."Until the end of 2012, bird flu virus drug stocks are still available," he said.Minister of Health appealed to people who contact with birds in order to maintain their health, try to edang far apart with sick poultry. Because if there is found sick birds, there is likely to be transmitted to humans.
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