Monday, September 24, 2012

Health Arabia" mobilize forces in control of the ports infected with avian coronavirus and provide care for pilgrims

24-9-2012 "Health Arabia" mobilize forces in control of the ports infected with avian coronavirus and provide care for pilgrims Excerpt: Original: علي الصعيد الداخلي قررت اماره المنطقه الشرقيه في المملكه اطلاق حمله توعيه لمحاصره المرض، خصوصا بالمدارس واماكن التجمعات ومع دخول فصل الشتاء، حيث تكثر العدوي واتخاذ احتياطات في جميع المنافذ لمراقبه المسافرين. Translation Internally decided Eastern Province Emirate [ اماره المنطقه الشرقيه في ] in the kingdom to launch an awareness campaign to besiege the disease, especially in schools and places of gatherings with the onset of winter, with frequent infections and precautions in All ports to monitor passengers.

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