Thursday, January 8, 2009

A fish farmers more than 400 birds died, most of

中国养殖网 Chinese Culture Network 2009-1-8 10:23:32 2009-1-8 10:23:32

"last night also killed two Tuen birds, how to do this ah?" The morning of January 5, Yang, who lives in New City Dongyue Street 124, Xin-Sheng Chen Pointing to a pile of dead Tuen birds, crying, told reporters. 陈养殖了400多只屯鸟,去年12月下旬以来陆续死亡300来只。 Chen breeding of more than 400 Tuen only birds since late December last year, one after another to only 300 deaths.

陈新胜今年52岁,下岗多年,自谋过多种职业。 Chen Xin-sheng 52-year-old, laid-off for many years, since a variety of career plan. 2008年9月,他从福建买进了一批仔屯鸟,放在家里三楼进行圈养,等待今年春节投放市场。 In September 2008, he bought from Fujian进了一批Aberdeen Tuen birds, carried out on the third floor of the house captive, waiting for the Chinese New Year market.

然而,由于屯鸟的羽毛长势不好看。 However, due to the bird's feathers grow Tuen not look good. 去年12月21日,他就来到阳新公安局第二办公区附近的一家药店,买回了10袋恒通牌鸭鸡羽毛促长专用和2袋速补维他的药品,按药店师傅的吩咐开始给屯鸟服用。 December 21 last year, he came to Shenyang Public Security Bureau, the second new office near a pharmacy and bought back 10 bags of chicken feathers Hengtong unlicensed cultivation of ducks and 2 bags of special-dimensional speed up his drugs, according to master of pharmacy told to start taking the birds to Tuen. 12月22日下午,他发现有些屯鸟开始出现病状,就慌忙打电话给店老板,店老板告诉他,可能是天气问题。 December 22 afternoon, he found that some birds Tuen symptoms began to appear on store hurried to call the boss, store owner told him that the problem may be the weather. 12月24日早上,他上楼一看,有6只屯鸟已经死亡,就忙买回一些药给屯鸟服用。 December 24 morning, he looked upstairs, there are six Tuen birds have died on the busy Tuen buy some drugs for the birds to take.

12月24日傍晚,他走进屯鸟圈一看,屯鸟死亡了一大片,他一数足有100只。 December 24 evening, he entered the ring Tuen birds look, Tuen a large dead birds, he has an adequate number of 100.

12月29日,他给阳新畜牧业局反映情况,畜牧业局派来工作人员到他家进行了取样调查。 December 29, he gave Yangxin Board reflect the situation of animal husbandry, animal husbandry Bureau sent staff to his home to conduct a sample survey. 为了尽快搞清楚屯鸟的死亡原因,他不断给该局有关人员打电话询问情况,得到的回答是“需要权威部门化验后确定”。 Tuen birds as soon as possible in order to find out the cause of death, he continued to call the council asked the officers concerned, the answer is "the need for authoritative department after testing."

陈新胜养殖的屯鸟仍在死亡,死屯鸟足有300来只,他不知道该怎么办? Chen Xin-sheng Tuen breeding birds are still dead, dead birds Tuen 300 feet to only that he did not know how to do? 5日,阳新畜牧业局副局长刘元东对记者称,畜牧部门已经派出技术人员上门诊断,陈购买的药物也是正规厂家生产的,技术人员初步排除了是鸭瘟、禽流感造成的。 5, Yang, Deputy Secretary for the new animal husbandry刘元东told reporters that the livestock sector has sent technical personnel door diagnosis, Chen is also a formal purchase drugs manufacturers, technicians initially ruled out is the duck plague, caused by bird flu. 屯鸟的死亡原因还有待省级以上权威部门对死屯鸟化验后才能确定。 Tuen birds cause of death has yet to be above the provincial level authoritative department of Tuen dead birds can only be determined after laboratory tests.

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