Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Indo: Bogor: Be on the alert Bird Flu was Still being put into effect

25-02-2009 13:11 WIB

The case of bird flu has begun to decrease. Although like that, District Surveillance Officers (DSO) or the official surveilans the city for the case of Bird Flu stayed intense monitored the development of the case of Avian Influenza (AI) in the Bogor City. The official continued to be on the alert because of the death resulting from suspect bird flu had happened. "Every time had the report" on the "death" of the "poultry that it was suspected was infected by AI, then we also at once carried out epidemiology investigation," said Dwi Susanto some of DSO Kota Bogor.

In accordance with the Department of Health rule, each city/the regency only had two people DSO, likewise the Bogor City, so as an allotment the task was put into effect in an effort to him monitored the development of bird flu. Although for the last two weeks already was not found by the existence of the report on the death of the poultry, but the state of alert DSO did not weaken. Observation he admitted continued to be carried out dotted the location that became the spreading target, like Cilendek, Kedungbadak and beberzpa the location that was found the poultry died beforehand.

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