Monday, February 23, 2009


Date: Sun 22 Feb 2009
Source: Okezone News [in Indonesian, trans. by a submitter who wishes
to remain anonymous; summ. & edited]

Two suspected human cases of avian influenza in Tangerang, one fatal
A child (aged 2 years 9 months) residing in the Serpong Subdistrict
of Tangerang City South [Banten province] is suspected to have died
as a result of avian influenza virus infection.

Another Tangerang resident (a 15-year-old boy) is suspected also to
have contracted avian influenza virus infection and is currently
being treated in hospital.

The child's father stated that his son developed a high fever on 14
Feb 2009 and he immediately took the child to the local community
health centre and contacted his doctor. After 3 days the clinic
transferred the child to hospital on suspicion that he was suffering
from avian influenza virus infection. However despite intensive care
the condition of the child continued to deteriorate and he died on 17
Feb 2009. In a statement to correspondents the father admitted he did
not know the precise cause of his son's death, and so far he had been
given no information by the hospital. The child has now been buried
in TPU Kramat Tajug.

An [agricultural service official] stated that he has received
information from Litbangkes (Laboratory Dep of Health) that the child
had tested positive for avian H5N1 influenza virus infection. [This
official] had been responsible for collecting samples from poultry in
the area, but had not yet received results of the tests.

Communicated by:

[The outcome of laboratory tests is awaited.

The location of the city of Tangerang (close to the capital Jakarta)
on the island of Java in the Indonesian archipelago can be found by
accessing the HealthMap/ProMED-mail interactive map of Indonesia at
. -

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