Sunday, July 12, 2009

Egypt: The death of a child in the Fayyoum After entering fever on suspicion avian flu and detention in Menya


The Directorate of Health in Fayoum, yesterday, the death of Karim Habashi Abdaltwab «6 years» from the village of Nohor Marine Center Snurs, after entering the hospital for fever in a suspected symptoms of avian flu, "said Dr Hussein Sophie Abutaleb, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Health to preserve, the Fayoum General Hospital referred to «fever» after suffering from shortness of breath, severe Zarkan Parties, following the dismissal of 15 minutes of the doctors could not succor after being completely comatose.

وفى المنيا، احتجز مستشفى الحميات ٦ حالات للاشتباه فى إصابتها بأنفلونزا الطيور بينها ٥ أطفال، كما احتجز مستشفى المنيا العام جندى شرطة يدعى محمد عبدالمعز الأزهرى «٢١ سنة» من مركز أبوقرقاص، للاشتباه فى إصابته بأنفلونزا الخنازير، وتبين أن محل عمله بمطار القاهرة.

In Minya, fever hospital, detained 6 suspected cases of bird flu, including 5 children, also held strong General Hospital Minya police named Mohamed Azhari Abdalmaz «21 years» Obokerkas Center, on suspicion of being infected with swine flu, and found that the place of work at Cairo airport. واحتجز مستشفى حميات دمياط حالتين للاشتباه فى إصابتهما بأعراض مشابهة لأنفلونزا الطيور.

The hospital admitted DAMIETTA detained two suspected SARS symptoms similar to bird flu.

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