Monday, January 3, 2011

#Egypt: First Death of #H5N1 in 2011 - #119

The first death from bird flu in 2011

Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, official spokesman of the Ministry of Health for the death of infected with bird flu, of a man at the age of 40 years from the province of Dakahlia.

أوضح شاهين أنه بتلك الحالة يصبح إجمالى عدد حالات الإصابة بالمرض فى مصر 119 حالة، وعدد الوفيات 40 حالة منذ بداية ظهور المرض فى مصر فى عام 2006، مشيرا إلى أن هذه، هى حالة الوفاة الأولى بالمرض خلال عام 2011.

Shaheen explained that that situation will bring the total number of cases of the disease in Egypt 119 cases, the number of deaths and 40 cases since the onset of the disease in Egypt in 2006, pointing out that this, is the first death by disease in 2011.

From my notes:

12/26 – confirmed bird flu
Name: Shahat (40)
From: Zhaerp Balsnellowin
Hospital: International Mansoura
Confirmed: Positive []

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