Thursday, January 6, 2011

#Egypt: Menoufiya recorded case of swine flu, the third death this year

[My list does include two others that died this week. One on 1/2, and one on 1/3]

Thursday, January 6, 2011 - 14:52

Recorded Monofia case of death the third disease of swine flu this year pointed out the source of medical Health Department Menoufia that the situation of a person named Mohammed Khafaja (35 years), and employs a staff of a resident of the village of Mit behind center Shebin had been detained Hospital Shebin fevers for several days, following the emergence of symptoms of the disease with a high temperature and pain of joints.

ومن جهته أكد الدكتور هشام عطا، وكيل وزارة الصحة بالمنوفية، أن الوضع مستقر للمرض بالمقارنة بنسبة حالات الوفاة من إجمالى عدد المصابين، حيث لم تتعدَ نسبة الوفيات بين المصابين 5 % وغالبية حالات الوفيات لحالات صحية متأخرة. For his part, Dr H. Atta, Deputy Minister of Health Menoufia, the situation is stable for the disease compared with the deaths of the total number of casualties, which did not exceed the proportion of deaths among the wounded, 5% and the majority of deaths to cases of healthy late.

يذكر أن محافظة المنوفية قد سجلت حالتين سابقين للوفاة بالمرض خلال هذا الأسبوع. The province of Menoufia had registered two cases of the former die of the disease this week.

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