Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Abnormal development of the avian flu prevention and control of medical experts urged

Fear of avian flu virus surface receiver variation, the evolution of a new type of adult-human transmission of influenza virus full-blown, even more afraid of out of control! (Getty Images) (Getty Images)

禽流感异常发展医学专家吁防治 Abnormal development of the avian flu prevention and control of medical experts urged

【大纪元2月9日讯】(大纪元记者孙帼英台南报导)台南市郭综合医院总裁郭国铨对最近大陆禽流感疫情的不寻常发展深表重视,特请大家全面提高警戒,设法做最严密的把关,并吁请全民加强防治禽流感的扩散。 By February 9 (Bloomberg Guoying Sun reported Tainan) Kuo General Hospital in Tainan, President Mr Kwok Kwok-chuen on the recent bird flu mainland unusual emphasis on the development of deep, special please everyone all-round vigilance to try to make the most stringent gatekeeper, and calls upon all people to strengthen the fight against the spread of avian flu.

郭综合医院设有感染控制中心,请学有专长的感染科主任叶大川及三位感控专员全面做感染管控,在ICU、筛检站等处均有负压病床,做好各种预防准备措施。 Guo general hospitals have Infection Control Center, learned of the infection, director of infection control叶大川and three Commissioners to do a comprehensive infection control in the ICU, screening stations, etc. have a negative pressure beds, and take all preventive preparation measures.

郭国铨以日本媒体报导为例指出,一位中国福建出身,到北京工作的19岁小姐,从河北省带鸭子返乡,食用后5天发病,病情快速恶化住院,于今年元月初死亡,由发病到死亡前后仅13天,经调查证实是受禽流感H5N1病毒感染而死亡。 Mr Kwok Kwok-chuen as an example to Japanese media reports pointed out that a Chinese of Fujian origin, to Beijing to work in 19-year-old young lady, from Hebei Province, with the ducks home, consumption of five days after the onset, his condition rapidly deteriorated hospitalization, death in early January this year, by the incidence of before and after death only 13 days, we have investigated and confirmed by the H5N1 avian influenza virus infection and death. 接着陆续发现山西2岁小孩及山东27岁女性死亡案例。 Then after another 2-year-old child was found in Shanxi and Shandong, the death of 27-year-old female case. 卫生单位并统计禽流感患者13天的医疗费共10万人民币,相当约台币50万元,而普通感冒门诊一次费用近4千元,相较之下比台湾贵很多。 Health units and in patients with avian flu statistics of medical expenses incurred 13 days a total of 10 million yuan quite some NT fifty million, and out-patient one-time cost of the common cold nearly 4 thousand dollars, compared to under a lot of expensive than Taiwan.
郭国铨强调,这次禽流感是强毒性的流感,很可能发展成世界性,实不容轻忽。 Mr Kwok Kwok-chuen stressed that the bird flu is strong toxicity of influenza is likely to develop into the world, simply can not afford to overlook. 至于鸟传人部分,5年间有389人发病、246人死亡,死亡率63%,世界级学者主张捕捉野鸟,控制较会成功;但最怕病毒表面接收器的变异,演变成人传人的新型病毒全面爆发性流感,更怕一发不可收拾! As part of a bird-human transmission, 5 years, the incidence has 389 people, 246 people were killed and 63 percent mortality rate, world-class scholars claim to capture wild birds, control will be more successful; but fear the virus surface receiver variation, the evolution of adult-human transmission of new virus the outbreak of influenza, are even more afraid of out of control!

从世界卫生组织所发表的禽流感资料,郭国铨发现,印尼、中国、埃及3个国家禽流感的控制完全失败,并预测今年发生新型禽流感比例,可能已提早2个月发生。 From the World Health Organization issued by the avian flu information, Mr Kwok Kwok-chuen discovered, Indonesia, China, Egypt 3 National bird flu control has failed completely, and predict the occurrence of new bird flu this year, the proportion may have occurred 2 months earlier.

郭国铨收集各相关的禽流感医疗资讯,在院会中苦口婆心的解说,希望大家注意国外新传染病的危险因素,因有SARS的前车之鉴,更提醒大家尽量不要出入公共场所,注意本身健康,做好事前的预防准备。 Mr Kwok Kwok-chuen collect bird flu-related medical information, the hospital will explain earnestly hope that the new U.S. attention to foreign risk factors for infectious diseases, as SARS has the warning, but also to remind everyone not to access to public places as far as possible, paying attention to their own health, do a good job preventative preparation.

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