Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Waspadai Bird Flu pandemic

The STONE (SINDO) – Masyarakat East Java was asked for to more increased vigilance against spread him the virus H5N1 or avian influenza/bird flu. Pasalnya,virus that spread through this poultry from time to time could attack the human body.

The deputy the Ministry of the Co-ordinator Welfare of the People the Koordinasi Kependudukan Kesehatan Field and the Environment of Emil Agustiono explained, apart from the deadly illness threat, that also really must be paid attention to was the bird flu pandemic. ”Virus the bird flu pandemic was the process of the spread of the bird flu virus from humankind to manusia,” he said in the Handling workshop of the Flu Burung Pandemic in East Java, in the Batu City yesterday.

Be present in this agenda including Chairman Unicef for the East Java territory, Bali, NTB, and NTT, Jinung D Kritanto. He explained, in the world of the health was known by three kinds of the flu virus. Firstly, the virus flumusiman, this virus normally attacks the human body, his characteristics did not endanger, but fast spread. Secondly, that is the flu virus burung/H5N1, his characteristics was not easy spread, but very dangerous because could turn off the human body. that was last was the kind of the flu virus that came from the mutation of the bird flu virus. “Untuk the third category, his virus kind was dangerous and deadly.

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