Tuesday, February 10, 2009


From the interview with Dr. Paul Auwaeter, from John Hopkins....

VC: UVM has a plan of action in the event of a flu pandemic. It includes such measures as canceling classes to reduce person-to-person contact, sending students home where possible and setting up emergency medical wards in the athletic complex. Is this a viable way to help prevent the spread of the illness?

PA: Although some limited data exists that closing schools might be helpful, there is not much evidence that limiting public gatherings and the like would be beneficial.

....and then....

VC: Pandemic avian flu is a very frightening subject to most people. Is there anything students can do to protect themselves?

PA: In terms of protection, there's really nothing that students probably need to do at the moment, other than not spend a lot of time in domestic husbandry, such as keeping ducks and geese in their dormitory rooms. However, for the people that truly wish to be prepared, keeping some fitted N95 masks - the kind of masks that have been proven to help limit the spread of most respiratory viruses ­- could be helpful. These are masks that are actually sold in home improvement stores because they're also very effective against inhaling paint particles.

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