Wednesday, February 11, 2009

NOTICE Hongtong Shanxi emergency animal and animal products are allowed into the Taiyuan

2009 on 11 day 02 years

Hongtong highly pathogenic blue ear pig disease has occurred, on the 10th, City Animal Health Authority on the strengthening of animals, animal products and the transfer of supervision of quarantine issued an urgent circular calling for banned transferred from Hongdong County of animals and animal products arbitrarily transferred from the field lead to the epidemic, will be held responsible for related personnel.

With immediate effect, prohibited from Hongdong County transferred animals and animal products, where the inter-provincial and inter-city,跨县transport of animals and animal products must be, respectively, to the provincial, city and county animal health oversight agency for approval, without consent authorization from the field transferred triggered the outbreak, they shall be held responsible for liability related.

此 外,各县(市、区)要对出栏生猪到场到户进行检疫,对生猪定点屠宰厂派驻动物检疫员,实行宰前24小时值班制,对进入屠宰厂的生猪要进行查证验物,按规定 进行宰前检疫;对所辖区域内的超市、批发市场、集贸市场,实行巡回监督检查,坚决杜绝病死猪肉、未经检疫的猪肉流入市场。 In addition, the counties (cities, districts) should be the scene of slaughter pigs to the home quarantine of live pigs slaughtering plant sentinel stationed动物检疫员implementation of ante-mortem system 24 hours a day on live pigs entering the slaughter plant to verify the post-mortem material, according to ante-mortem and quarantine regulations; region of the area's supermarkets, wholesale markets, country markets, the implementation of supervision and inspection tour, and resolutely put an end to dead pork, pork without quarantine into the market. (王普荣) (Wang Pu Rong)

(山西晚报) (Shanxi Evening News)

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