Thursday, February 12, 2009

India: Avian influenza has spread to the north-east India


The Indian authorities have destroyed 200 000 chickens in the Northeastern state of Assam in the next two days at the rejection to prevent the spread of avian influenza. Health care workers and experts on avian influenza watched about a hundred people with symptoms of viral infection. The patients in the six areas of Guwahati, the main city of Assam, a center of production of oil and tea, showed signs of respiratory infection and lihorodka - symptoms typical of infection of H5N1 avian influenza strain in humans. But while officials have not confirmed cases of H5N1 infection in humans.

Health workers spend podvornye rounds in Guwahati in order to identify people with symptoms of infection. Veterinary services have destroyed nearly 350 000 chickens and ducks, more than 160 000 eggs, and thousands of kilograms of poultry feed, since last month. Rejecting the birds and spread to two neighboring villages in the state of Guwahati Megalit, where last month in birds has also been detected influenza virus. The authorities have the task of destruction of 200 000 birds in the area over the next 2 days. «While cases of avian influenza in the state Megalit have been identified, we will be holding a bird with rejecting preventive purpose" - he said SF Hongvir, the head of state.

The authorities reported that some landlords do not obey orders, and conceal their birds and their eggs from destruction. On Saturday arrested a surgeon - a veterinarian after the police and veterinary services discovered and seized more than 2 500 hens, hidden in his home.

The Indian authorities, along with other safety measures against the spread of the virus to people, including thousands of capsules drug Tamiflu and surgical masks, to urgently transferred to the region, three more Ventilator, bringing their number to five.

So far, about cases of people in India are not reported, but experts are concerned about the possibility of mutation of H5N1, or combining it with the highly contagious seasonal influenza virus with a pandemic, which could prove fatal to millions of people. Since the emergence of the virus in Asia in 2003, it killed more than 200 people in 12 countries. WHO has identified the most massive in the Indian outbreak of avian flu in the neighboring state of West Bengal in January last year when it was destroyed 4 million birds.

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