Saturday, February 7, 2009

Start Tamiflu distributed in 5 health at Madiun

[This story is a little different. They do not include exposure to poultry, in their list of reasons to report to the nearest health clinic.]

FRIDAY, 6 FEBRUARY 2009 | 17:24 WIB
MADIUN, FRIDAY - Tamiflu, bird flu medicine, began to be distributed in five health centers by Madiun Madiun City Health Department following a number of dead poultry in the district Kelun, Kartoharjo, Madiun, which is positive of H5N1 virus affected (bird flu).

Five health centers that are distributed tamiflu Puskesmas Oro Oro Ombo, Patihan, Demangan, Banjarejo, and Manguharjo. Each health center distributed 600 tablets tamiflu. The health Tawangrejo the region is the duty of Kelun, thus not get tamiflu.

"Health is new, so we still find a place there for the placement of drugs. However, we will distribute it immediately," said City Health Office Head of Madiun Wardani, Friday (6 / 2).

"Currently Madiun City Health Department still has a reserve of tamiflu tablets 1300. Number of tamiflu is this enough to cope with bird flu," he said.

Until yesterday, no one of Madiun, especially Kelun, suffering symptoms such as bird flu. However, the health Tawangrejo already Kelun remind residents that have a fever with a temperature over 38 degrees celsius, shortness of breath, sore throat and to immediately to a health clinic.

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