Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Yunnan Yuxi funeral feast trigger cholera epidemic of drug out of stock


昨日下午,经国家卫生部批准,由省卫生厅、省政府新闻办和玉溪市政府召开的“通海县‘1'16’霍乱疫情防控处置新闻发布会”在玉溪市举行。 Yesterday afternoon, approved by the State Ministry of Health, the Provincial Health Office, Provincial Information Office and the Yuxi municipal government held "通海县'1'16 'cholera epidemic prevention and control disposition of the press conference" held in Yuxi City. 据了解,近日玉溪市通海县四寨村发生霍乱疫情,随后华宁县、江川县也发现霍乱疫情,共检测发现确诊病例20例,健康带菌者27人。 It is understood that the recent village of Yuxi City通海县four cholera epidemic, followed by Howard County, Jiangchuan County also found that the epidemic of cholera were detected 20 cases of confirmed cases, 27 were healthy carriers. 本次疫情未发生死亡病例,未发生二代病例和疫情扩散,隔离治疗的47人已全部康复,四寨村和冲麦村两个疫点已全部解除,无新病例发生,疫情得到了完全控制。 The epidemic has not died, no second-generation cases and the spread of the epidemic, isolation and treatment of 47 people had fully recovered, the four red Maicun village and the two spots have all been lifted, no new cases have occurred, the epidemic has been completely control.

吃丧宴出现霍乱 Cholera appears to eat funeral feast

昨日下午,云南省卫生厅厅长陈觉民以及玉溪市等相关领导参加了在玉溪市召开的新闻发布会,陈觉民厅长和玉溪市市长高劲松向中央驻滇和省市各大媒体详细通报了疫情发生后的防控处置情况: Yesterday afternoon, the director of the Yunnan Provincial Health Department, as well as Chen Juemin Yuxi City and other related leadership participated in the Yuxi City, held a news conference, Chen Juemin director and the mayor of Yuxi Gao Jinsong驻滇to the central, provincial and municipal media fully informed of the outbreak After the disposition of the prevention and control:

1月15日至17日,通海县四街镇四寨村4组一李姓村民在村内为一位年过8旬的老人举办了一场585人参加的丧宴。 January 15-17,通海县four街镇four village 4 1 Li villagers in the village for over a 8-year-old held a 585 people attended the funeral feast. 次日凌晨3时许,该村民73岁的李某出现腹泻症状。 The next day at 3 pm, the 73-year-old Lee, the villagers suffered from diarrhea symptoms. 李某于当日上午8点30分前往通海县人民医院急诊科就诊。 Lee on the same day 8:30 to the people通海县hospital emergency department for treatment. 其后又有两名同组村民相继到通海县人民医院就诊,由于病情加重,县医院先后将3名患者转送玉溪市人民医院治疗。 Then two more with the group of villagers have been to the people通海县hospital, due to illness, the county hospital has three patients will be transferred to the people of Yuxi City Hospital for treatment. 同时向通海县疾控中心报告了这3名病例情况,通海县疾控中心迅即报告玉溪市疾控中心,市疾控中心随即派人前往采样进行检测。 At the same time to通海县CDC reported three cases of this situation, immediately report通海县CDC CDC Yuxi City, the city then sent to CDC for testing samples. 21日上午10时初步判断为霍乱O139感染。 At 10:00 on the 21st preliminary judge for the cholera O139 infection. 22日凌晨2时,经省疾控中心检测复核,两例病例确诊为霍乱弧菌O139感染。 At 2:00 on the 22nd, CDC detected review by the province, the two cases were diagnosed as infected with Vibrio cholerae O139.

疫情发生后,省委、省政府高度重视,省政府高峰副省长先后做出重要批示,要求全力救治病人,加强检测排查,采取一切有效措施,防治疫情扩散。 Epidemic occurred, the provincial CPC committee and government attach great importance to the peak, vice governor of the provincial government has made important instructions, requests for medical treatment to patients, to enhance detection of the investigation and take all effective measures to combat the spread of the epidemic. 省卫生厅领导带领专家组赶赴疫情发生地指导防控工作。 Provincial Health Office of the leadership group of experts rushed to the outbreak to guide prevention and control work. 玉溪市政府第一时间启动霍乱应急处置预案,成立玉溪市霍乱疫情防治工作领导小组及防控指挥部,召开防控紧急会议,对疫情防治工作作出了全面周密的安排部署。 Yuxi municipal government to start the first time cholera emergency disposal plan, the establishment of Yuxi City cholera epidemic control and prevention and control leading group headquarters, to convene an emergency meeting of the prevention and control of epidemic prevention and control work has made arrangements for the deployment of a comprehensive well.

由于霍乱传染性强、传播快、控制难度大的特殊性,在疫情发生的第一时间,省、市、县各级政府及相关部门紧急联动,卫生、防疫、公安等工作人员迅速奔赴疫点开展防治工作。 As a result of cholera, infectious, and the spread of fast, difficult to control the specificity, in the outbreak of the first time, provincial, municipal and county governments at all levels and relevant departments of emergency linkage, health, quarantine, public security staff quickly rushed to the spot to carry out prevention and control work. 对参加丧宴的585人(通海535人,江川15人,华宁35人)及其密切接触者全部实行医学隔离观察,采集粪便进行检测,共检测粪便标本2330份,对检测发现的20名病例(通海县15例,华宁县5例)和27名病原携带者(通海县18人,华宁县6人,江川县3人。 To participate in the funeral feast for 585 people (535 Tonghai, Jiangchuan 15 Huaning 35) and its close contact with all of the implementation of medical quarantine, collecting stool test, stool specimens were detected in 2330 were found to detect 20 cases (通海县15 cases, 5 cases of Howard County) and 27 carrier (通海县18, Howard County 6 people, 3 people Jiangchuan County.

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