Friday, March 6, 2009

Chicken carcass tests H5N1-positive in Hong Kong

2009-03-06 20:23:12

HONG KONG, March 6 (Xinhua) --A chicken carcass found in Hong Kong's Tung Ping Chau had been confirmed to be H5N1 positive, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department of Hong Kong announced Friday.

The carcass was found floating in the sea off Tung Ping Chau's Kang Lau Shek on March 2. It was highly decomposed when found and required a series of confirmatory tests for avian influenza. Test results available Friday confirmed that the bird was H5N1 positive.

There are no poultry farms within three kilometers of where the bird was found. No unauthorized keeping of poultry has been observed during inspections, said the department.
hat-tip Pixie

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