Saturday, March 7, 2009

Just 2,523 tails of the Poultry in East Jakarta that Bersertifikasi

[If you look at the figures, they are not going to be able to do this.]

Although the bird flu virus has claimed casualties, apparently the resident Jakarta Timur not more supportive the government activity of the City of Administrasi Jakarta Timur (the East Jakarta Municipal Government) in prevented spread him the virus avian influenza.

The proof is, still many residents who maintained the poultry in the settlement. The Suku Dinas Kelautan data, Pertanian and Endurance of Pangan East Jakarta (sudin KPKP East Jakarta) this year, was gotten 25,335 tails of the poultry that was maintained by the resident and just 2,523 tails that bersertifikasi.
The fact is, still many residents who maintained the poultry and ignored the cleanliness and the health of this animal.
Besides carrying out certification of the poultry, Sudin KPKP East Jakarta with the district did sweeping the poultry to anticipate became an epidemic him bird flu. If still had the resident that maintained illegally immediately was warned so that immediately cut off his poultry, if being not put on by sanctions in accordance with the current regulation.

Adnan Ahmad said, in a manner continued will continue to carry out the inspection to the resident's environment. If not having the certificate, continued Adnan, then the poultry will belonging to the resident be destroyed.

Concerning the certification service dnegan picked up the ball, Adnan explained, the official will visit the owner's house of the poultry and researched the maintenance method as well as the cleanliness of the pen. After that, the official will issue the health certificate of the poultry and the owner of the house will be given the sign sticker of the inspection. After six months, all the poultries that disertifikasi will undergo the blood inspection to ascertain his health.

And afterwards was carried out by the extension of the health certificate of the poultry.

The data of Sudin KPKP East Jakarta recorded, was gotten five subdistricts that were regarded as serious the entry of the bird flu virus that is, the Cakung Subdistrict, Pulogadung, Matraman, Durensawit, and Cipayung. To anticipate spread him the bird flu virus, the official of the routine did sweeping the poultry each week.

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