Monday, March 2, 2009

When being Suspek the Team descended Directly to the Field

Senin, 02 Maret 2009

the report spread him came back the case of bird flu in Depok, Bekasi and Bogor did not yet arrive at the Department of the Health. However if suspect this bird flu was reported by the team from the Department of the Health immediately will intervene. When 'being suspect the team's bird flu' of the 'health and livestock breeding at once descended to the field did penyeledikan epidemologi', said Director Pengendalian of Langsung infectious diseases (P2ML) the Department of the Health, Tjandra Yoga through the message of the shortness from Tehran to Republika, on Monday (2/3). The following step, the patient was at once handled the hospital and contact then always will be supervised, added Tjandra. If having the report then the sample will immediately be checked to the laboratory. Now, Menkes Siti Fadillah Supari as well as several staffs was attending Health Minister's conference the OKI country in Tehran Iran and still could not be confirmed.

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