Thursday, December 4, 2008

Body of South African will be cremado, says Secretariat of Health

Body of South African will be cremado, says Secretariat of Health Cremation is foreseen to happen in this thursday (4), in the Cashew. Virus that killed African is not alarm reason, says infectologista. Of the G1, in the River Size of the letter A+ The state Secretariat of Health informed, in the night of this Wednesday (3), that the body of the South African engineer, who died in the tuesday (2) with suspicion of hemorrhagic fever, will be cremado in the cemetary of the Cashew, in the Port Zone. It would have been contaminated for a known virus as arenavírus in a hospital in the South Africa, before travelling for Brazil. The results of the preliminary audits that go to confirm if the death of the South African were provoked by one arenavírus will leave three or four days inside. The Secretariat of Health arrived to mount a strong project of security for the transport of the body of the Nursing home Is Jose, in the South Zone, until the crematório of the Cashew.

However, employees of the Saint Casa de Misericórdia, responsible for the administration of the cemetary, already had collected the corpse. The cremation is foreseen to happen in this thursday (4). In accordance with the Secretariat, firemen of the Grouping of Operations with Produtos Perigosos (GOP) would be in charge making the transport of the body. They would be equipped with special clothes and would have the support of the policy. The Secretariat of Health informed that it goes to select the Nursing home together with Are Jose the reason by which the transport of the body was carried through outside of the standards determined for the government. The agency investigates, still, if the Saint Casa de Misericórdia had authorization to collect the corpse. it knows more Death of African with suspicion of hemorrhagic fever puts Health of the River in alert Virus that killed African is not alarm reason, says infectologista

Still according to Secretariat, the body of the engineer is sealed up in the coffin, cooled environment, the crematório of the Cashew. The p.m. already was set in motion to make the guard of the body until the moment of the cremation. The Saint Casa de Misericórdia did not know to inform the procedure used in the transport of the corpse. The G1 tried to enter in contact with the direction of the Nursing home Is Jose, but nobody was found. Virus that killed African is not alarm reason, says infectologista The infectologista Jose Cerbino Grandson, of the Institute of Clinical Research Evandro Chagas (Ipec), tranquilized the population, informing that the illness that killed the South African not propagates easily. If confirmed the case of arenavírus, according to Cerbino Grandson, the transmission of the illness alone if of the one by means of the contact with the secretion of the infectado one. That is, who only had contact with blood, saliva, vomit or piss of the South African runs some risk to contract arenavírus. People who had had contact with engineer are monitored In press conference in the Osvaldo Foundation Cross (Fiocruz), Cerbino said that all the people who had had contact with the South African already are being monitored. None of them presented any symptom of the illness and, therefore, they can normally continue working and executing its activities. " Beyond arenavírus, that it is common in the South Africa, also we are investigating other illnesses, as leptospirose, hantavirose and hepatites you capsize. It was infectado by a very aggressive virus, but not yet identificado" , he counted the infectologista. Nor all the people displayed to arenavírus die, according to specialist. It has treatment for the illness that can be incubada of two the 21 days and if to never reveal. I only infect happens it when the manifest infectada person symptoms of the illness that starts with a high fever. After I infect it, the illness it evolves of form fast between seven and ten days and, if not treated, can lead to the death. Note of the Health department The Health department divulged note in the Wednesday informing that the laboratories of the Fiocruz are carrying through three examinations to diagnosis feverish the illness hemorrhagic that caused the death: sorologia - for a diagnosis indicative; PCR - method of molecular, highly sensible biology, to identify genetic material of the .causing agent of the illness; histopatológico examination - carried through in I break up of liver of the patient. According to Ministry, the examinations must be ready at the beginning of the next week. If it will be necessary, will be carried through complementary examinations. Five epidemiologistas of field of the Unit of Fast Answers of the Secretariat of Monitoring in Health had been sent by the Ministry, that are investigating the case in partnership with the Secretariats state and municipal of Health. The professionals of health of the two hospitals that had taken care of to the patient already had been identified and are being monitored for clinical and laboratoriais examinations. The Health department also divulged that in last the ten years 16 cases of infection of foreigners for similar viruses had been detected, during trips the countries of Africa. In none of these cases it had stories of transmission between human beings.

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