Friday, December 5, 2008

Rabies in Bali Reflection Siskeswannas Feeble

Really Ironic. In the middle of government efforts in created Indonesian Sehat 2010, the handling of the illness, especially the illness in the animal that could spread to humankind (zoonosis) evidently still often experienced the hindrance. Ideally, the health must be gazed at comprehensively (comprehensive) or the sectoral passage, both the health to humankind, and the health to the animal with the portion of the balanced handling. Moreover, the health of the animal not only was gazed at as part of the economic commodity. That just recently, was reported by the discovery of the case 'suspec the' rabies' illness in Bali by claiming casualties of four people died in the Badung Regency. It were one of the real proof the weakness of the health system in Indonesia. Especially the health system of the national animal (siskeswannas).

Why not, Bali was the tourism region trapped the world that since the colonial Dutch colonisation time was stated as the free area of rabies. This was based on Hondsdolhed Ordonantie (staatblad 1926, No. 451 yunto Stbl 1926 No. 452) that said that several territories karesidenan and the island in the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) in the period was free rabies. Including among them the territory of Karesidenan Bali. Rabies was the animal illness that was caused by the virus that is Lyssa the virus from the family Rhabdo viridae that was zoonosis with the death rate (case fatality rate) reached 100%, so as rabies was known as the illness that almost always deadly (almost always fatal) when emerging the clinical sign, both to the animal and humankind.

In relation to this case the complexity of the problem zoonosis as in the case of rabies or bird flu, anthrax, Toxoplasmosis, Tuberculosis, Leptospirosis, Brucellosis, and still many others that were other.

Moreover the available illness in Indonesia but had the potential to spread to humankind like Gila cattle (Bovine Spongioform Encepalipathy) depicted why needed the existence of the unification and the efforts co-ordination between the health (medicine), the health of the animal (veterinary medicine) and the health of the community (public health).

The illness capacity to spread exceeded the territory limit and the limit between the species demanded the need of responsibility of the veterinary surgeon's medic of determining the alternative to the best action that must be carried out. Certainty filled the medic's responsibility already clear needed the legality in one framework of the clear and firm law.

Therefore already appropriately at this time the government immediately ratified the BILL (the Bill) Veteriner and immediately bring about in the form of concrete. Considering the problem of the illness in the animal not seldom finished thoughts, time, the power, and the loss ekomomi as far as millions in fact billions rupiah in his handling. Especially zoonosis. Life a risk.

Iwan Berri Prima
Pondok Hatori Desa Cibanteng Kecamatan Ciampea Bogor

Penulis adalah Mahasiswa Program Pendidikan Profesi Dokter Hewan (PPDH) Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB Bogor.

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