Thursday, December 4, 2008

U.S. concerned about Zimbabwe cholera outbreak

December 5, 2008 03:24:03 Source: Xinhua

Xinhua Washington on December 4 (Reporter Zhao Yi Jiang Guopeng) U.S. State Department deputy spokesman Robert Wood said that on the 4th, the United States hopes to Zimbabwe as soon as possible, the parties reached an agreement on political arrangements in order to accept the international community to help the country deal with cholera Epidemic.

Wood said in a regular press conference that the United States is very concerned about Zimbabwe's cholera epidemic and the country's political and economic issues, and that cooperation with the international community to deal with these Zimbabwe crisis is a government imperative.

Mugabe regime is a top priority to consultations with the opposition through the distribution of government power, and then allowed Zimbabwe to the international community to provide the necessary assistance.

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs 3 released by the Census and Statistics report showed that Zimbabwe cholera epidemic broke out in August this year has resulted in 12,500 people sick, in which 565 people were killed and Zimbabwe there are 15 areas of the cholera death rate more than 20% .

Zimbabwe this year by the end of March presidential, parliamentary and local elections jointly. Opposition dissatisfied with the results of the presidential election, with supporters of his ruling party supporters of the violent conflict, triggered a political crisis. Mediation by South African President Thabo Mbeki, Robert Mugabe's ruling party African National Union - Patriotic Front and the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (Yun-Revolutionary Committee) in September signed a power-sharing agreement to form a national unity government to end the political crisis. However, as the two sides in the specific distribution of power on the issue of serious differences, the Zimbabwe government of national unity has not yet been set.

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