Friday, December 5, 2008

the number of people monitored to 75

It increases because of South African death
RIVER - the team formed for technician of and Secretariat, Health department State and Municipal of Health Oswaldo the Foundation Cross (Fiocruz) extended for 75 the number of people who are being monitored due to possibility to have had direct contact with fluids and secretions (blood, muco, piss, excrements) of the South African who died in consequence of hemorrhagic fever of cause not identified. Between the people who are being monitored he is one another South African entrepreneur, partner of trip of the deceased, and the doctors and nurses of the hospitals D' Bar; Or and Is Jose had taken care of who it. Second note of the Health department, none of the monitored people presented symptoms that indicate contamination. All pass for preventive clinical monitoramento, with verification of the body temperature two times to the day. Also they are observed the occurrence of other signals or symptoms, as diarréia, migraines, vomit, yellowish skin, calafrios and pain in the throat. The forty days accomplishment was not indicated, therefore the transmission of the illness only occurs after the beginning of the symptoms.

Discarded disgnostic of hepatites and hantavirose

On the basis of resulted preliminary of the examinations that are being carried through in the Fiocruz, they had been discarded, in this thursday, disgnostic of hepatites and hantavirose, according to Health department. Previous evaluation already had discarded affection, malaria and ebola. Other hypotheses, as leptospirose and arenavírus, continue being investigated. The final results of the examinations must leave the next week at the beginning.
In this thursday, it occurred, in Brasilia, a audioconferência between representatives of the Center of Strategical Information in Monitoring in Health of the hospital and, Health department American Pan Organization of Saúde (OPAS) in Johannesburg, in the South Africa, where the patient was interned for accomplishment of ortopédica surgery. During the audioconferência, the clinical description of the patient was argued. Also it had exchange of information on the four people with arenavírus that they had died in the hospital of Johannesburg and on a fifth patient, a woman, also infectada for arenavírus, but that it survived and that received high recently.
Also in this thursday, the OPAS divulged note validating the joint decision - of the Secretariat and Health department State and Municipal of Health - not to determine forty days for the people who are being monitored. Body of South African is cremado The cremation of the body of the South African, initially foreseen for 16h of this thursday, in the Memorial of the Carmo, the quarter of the Cashew, delayed more than two hours little and had beginning to 18h15. According to Health department, the operation alone could start after the arrival of representative of the Sanitary Monitoring of the State of Rio De Janeiro, that was signed document authorizeing the incineration of the zinc coffin, where was the body.
The cremation has foreseen duration of six hours. After the guiding of the body for the cremation, a team of ten men of the Grouping of Operations with Produtos Perigosos (GOPP), of the Body of Firemen, effected preventive decontamination, with chemical products, in the places for where the coffin passed. The operation lasted 35 minutes.
The Body of Firemen informed that, in this friday, hour not yet divulged, the ballot box with leached ashes will be carried by a particular company to the Palace of the Itamaraty, in Rio De Janeiro, where it will wait the legal proceedings for the transfer until the South Africa. According to Health department, the decision for the cremation, questions of public health, was authorized for the Justice of the State of Rio De Janeiro. However, the body of South African engineer Willian Charles Erasmus was carried from the Nursing home Is Jose for the crematório of the San Francisco Cemetary Xavier, in the Cashew, without authorization of the Secretariat of state of Health.
The transference, in special project of security, would be made by firemen using clothes to the test of contamination. In accordance with the assessorship of the press of the secretariat of Health, representatives of the hospital where the foreigner died will be heard to clarify the reasons of the irregular transport, that was made in the night of the Wednesday for employees of the Saint Casa de Misericórdia.
In note, the Nursing home Is Jose said in this thursday that the removal of the body " carried through for the team of the Saint Casa de Misericórdia it was made in accord with the same norms of security established by the authorities of the scopes municipal, state and federal in the period of permanence of the body in the dependences of the hospital, as well as following the recommendations of the World-wide Organization of the Health for cares of patients with fever suspicion hemorrágica".
Inspectors of the Sanitary Monitoring of the city of the River, who are working in set with the State Secretariat of Health, had arrived to go to the hospital, there but they had been informed that the body of the South African, already he had been transferred. Military policemen had made the security until the moment of the cremation to prevent new irregularities. The unexpected arrival of the body to the crematório changed the routine of the place.
The cremations had arrived to be interrupted during the morning for precaution, since the body of the South African was together with the other bodies and the employees did not have protection to enter in cômodo. At the beginning of the afternoon of this thursday, the Saint Casa de Misericórdia divulged a note where it explains that the body of the entrepreneur was removed to 21h30m of Wednesday obeying all the norms of security established by the Health department. The note says that the employees had used gloves, masks, aprons and caps. Still in accordance with the Casa Saint, the removal was made the order of the direction of the Nursing home Is Jose, since the institution does not have cold storage room to condition the body.
Cause of the death is investigated Five specialists in contagious diseases of the Health department are in the River to investigate the cause of the death of the engineer with the authorities of the city and the State. Samples of blood and the liver of the engineer are analyzed in the Fiocruz, in Manguinhos.
The main suspicion it is contamination for arenavírus, that piss or excrements of a contaminated rat is transmitted by. The Brazilian specialists make three types of examination to confirm what she provoked the hemorrhagic fever in the foreigner. The Brazilian sanitary authorities work with the hypothesis of that the entrepreneur would be infectado with a still unknown type of arenavírus that he caused one I occasion in the Morningside Clinic, in Johannesburg, between September and October, killing four people. It was submitted to a ortopédica operation in this exactly hospital 15 days before embarking for Brazil.

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