Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Indo: Tamiflu is not effective Lawan Bird Flu

[Lawan = a rival; opponent; adversary; enemy; foe]

Wednesday, 04 February 2009 | 13:42 WIB

TEMPO Interactive, Washington: Officials of the Ministry of Health said the United States almost 100 percent of H1N1 viruses showed resistance to the antiviral drug known as Tamiflu. So far this influenza season has been running with mulus [mulus: smooth; pure; immaculate; flawless; impeccable; original. ]

Influenza season Mulusnya more concerned about the spread of bird flu and the means for the readiness of the U.S. pendemi flu. From the examples dites [sites?] since October, almost 100 percent of H1N1 viruses showed resistance to Tamiflu.

As a response, Centers for Disease Control and Outbreak Control issued guidelines for doctors in December. Doctors replace di instruksi kan alternative antiviral drug, Relenza, Tamiflu to replace, or combine with the antiviral drugs that have been used Rimantadine, if the H5N1 virus infecting a community.

"There are some people and I include among the multiply recommend oseltamivir (medical name for Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza medical name)," said Dr. Anne Moscone, son of a doctor and professor microbiology and immunology at New York Hospital-Prebysterian on Wednesday (4 / 2).

Tamiflu and Relenza was first out in the market 10 years ago.

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